This article shall be known as the "Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning Code of the Village of Atlantic Beach."
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Will be known as "HVAC."
No new heating, ventilation or air-conditioning installations shall be undertaken or performed hereafter, except in conformance with the provisions of this article and the Mechanical and Fuel Gas Code of the State of New York.
The following provisions shall apply to all heating, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment other than individual window units: In all districts, as now or hereafter established by Chapter 250, Zoning, the location of all heating, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment shall be approved by the Building Inspector; provided, however, that said provisions shall not prevent the maintenance and use of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment legally installed before the effective date of this section.
No generator installations shall be undertaken or performed hereafter, except in conformance with the provisions of this article and the Building, Mechanical and Fuel Gas Codes of the State of New York.
[Added 11-14-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2011]
It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector, and he is hereby given the power and authority, to enforce the provisions of this article.
The Building Inspector shall examine applications for permits, and, if the same are found to comply with the provisions of this article, a permit for the work specified shall be issued. All applications and permits shall comply with the same requirements of Article I and II in this chapter.
[Added 8-8-2005 by L.L. No. 1-2005]
HVAC equipment shall be permitted in one of the required side yards, provided that said side yard shall not be diminished thereby to a width of less than four feet or as permitted by a notarized release form in Residence A Districts.[1]
Editor's Note: Said release form is on file in the Village offices.
HVAC equipment shall be permitted in one of the required side yards, provided that said side yard shall not be diminished thereby to a width of less than five feet or as permitted by a notarized release form in Residence C Districts.[2]
Editor's Note: Said release form is on file in the Village offices.
[Added 11-14-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2011]
Generators (permanent or portable) shall be permitted in one of the required side or rear yards, provided that said side yard shall not be diminished thereby to a width of less than four feet and the rear yard shall not be diminished thereby to a distance less than five feet from the rear property line in Residence A Districts.
Generators (permanent or portable) shall be permitted in one of the required side or rear yards, provided that said side yard shall not be diminished thereby to a width of less than five feet and the rear yard shall not be diminished thereby to a distance less than five feet from the rear property line in Residence C Districts.
Generators shall not be permitted in the front yard setback.
[Added 11-14-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2011]
Every application shall be examined as soon as practicable after filing, and, if it conforms to this article, a permit for the work shall be issued.
Every such permit shall be signed by the Building Inspector.
Fees. The fee to be charged for applications, permits and inspection conducted pursuant to this chapter shall be established by resolution of the Board of Trustees. The current License Fee and Fee Schedule are on file in the Village Clerk’s office.