[Adopted 11-7-1988 by Ord. No. B-5]
Any and all new rights-of-way established in the Town of Middletown for use by the public shall, in a residential area, be not less than 50 feet in width, and in an industrial area, not less than 80 feet in width.
[Amended 5-3-2021 by Ord. No. 21-04-01]
The paved portion of any new street or roadway, except an alley, within a right-of-way shall be, as a minimum, as follows: 32 feet from flow line of curb to flow line of curb.
[Amended 9-8-1998]
In any residential zone there shall also be, on each side of any new street or roadway, a grass utility strip four feet in width, and a six-foot sidewalk, separated from the road surface by the grass strip. There shall also be an upright curb abutting the roadway with measurements of eight inches wide by 18 inches upright.
Width of entrances to any new development or project, whether in an industrial or residential zone, shall be set by Council on a case-to-case basis.
[Added 9-5-1989 by Ord. No. B-3]
In townhouse residential developments hereafter constructed within the corporate limits of the Town of Middletown, there shall be dedicated thirty-two-foot rights-of-way, of which a minimum of 32 feet shall be paved. The 32 feet referred to in the previous sentence shall be from flow line of the curb to flow line of the opposite curb.
[Amended 5-3-2021 by Ord. No. 21-04-01]
On any new subdivision plan involving townhouses submitted for approval by Mayor and Council of the Town of Middletown, there shall clearly be set forth that the Town shall have access over the private property of the abutting land owners to any utility easement which may be located solely within the property limits of the abutting land owner. The purpose of this grant is to give the Town, and/or its agents, rights of ingress and egress over lands owned by the abutting land owners for the purpose of maintaining utilities within the easement.
Any deed of conveyance by a developer of townhouse properties to a purchaser shall refer specifically, and subject the property to this grant.
Ordinance No. B-5 is hereby modified only as to the requirements of right-of-way widths abutting townhouse development. Any and all other provisions of said ordinance are to remain in full force and effect.