[Amended 11-9-1999[1]]
The Council shall appoint a Clerk qualified by education and experience in office management or business administration to serve for three years from July 1 of the year in which the Clerk is appointed. The Clerk shall receive an annual salary as provided in the annual salary ordinance.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the renumbering of former Art. II, Clerk, as Art. IIA.
The Clerk shall be Clerk of the Council, shall provide such stenographic and other staff services as the members shall require and shall:
Attend all Council meetings including, without limitation, work sessions.
Provide for the recording, timely preparation and safe, orderly and publicly accessible storage and preservation of appropriate minutes of all Council meetings.
Punctually compile, index, preserve and allow public access to and make sufficient copies available to the public to satisfy normal public demand, within a reasonable time after the meeting or event giving rise to the same, all ordinances, resolutions, contracts, minutes and other documents and papers to which the Township is a party and which require retention as public records, or the retention of which is otherwise necessary, advisable, appropriate or in the public's interest.
Prepare agendas for all Council meetings and send copies of all pertinent materials in advance of work sessions to Council members and members-elect, the Mayor, Business Administrator, Township Attorney and other affected Township officials.
Prepare and publish notices, ordinances and other matters as required by and in accordance with the Charter or general law in sufficient number to meet requirements of the public.
Devote his or her full time, attention and energies to the Township's affairs full time during the Township's regular business hours on a daily basis, at such place or office specified by Council.
Have custody of the Township Seal and affix it to appropriate documents without charge.
Issue licenses not issued by other departments of the Township.
Perform such other duties as Council may assign by ordinance and as are prescribed by general law and Charter.
For the purposes of Title 11A of the New Jersey Revised Statutes, as well as the internal recordkeeping purposes of the municipality, serve as the official appointing authority for all employees under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Municipal Clerk and the Office of the Municipal Council, all bodies created thereby and all bodies hereinafter created thereby, with the advise and consent of Council.
[Added 7-27-1997]
Additionally, the Municipal Clerk shall have the power to determine separation of service, for whatever reason, layoffs and demotions in lieu of layoffs, in accordance with the New Jersey Department of Personnel procedures, for all employees under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Municipal Clerk and the Office of the Municipal Council, all bodies created thereby and all bodies hereinafter created thereby, with the advice and consent of the Council. The term "layoff" shall be defined as the involuntary separation of an employee from the Township of Hillside for reasons other than delinquency or misconduct.
[Added 7-27-1997]
The Clerk shall compile and index all ordinances, beginning with December 21, 1971, and resolutions adopted during each year and shall obtain and make available to the public sufficient copies of each to satisfy normal public demand. At the close of each year, the Clerk shall index and bind the originals of all ordinances and resolutions, preserve them as permanent public records and make sufficient copies of the same available to the public to satisfy normal public demand. The Clerk may also provide for codification of ordinances with assistance of the Township Attorney and within available budgeted resources.
The Clerk shall charge and receive for use of the Township such fees for searches, transcripts and copies of officials records as Council shall authorize by resolution or ordinance.