[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee (now Township Council) of the Township of Hillside as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Numbering of buildings — See Ch. 124.
Fire prevention — See Ch. 157.
Flood damage prevention — See Ch. 160.
Insurance — See Ch. 178.
Land use — See Ch. 188.
Licenses — See Ch. 203.
Liquid-fuel-burning equipment — See Ch. 207.
Peddling and soliciting — See Ch. 232.
Records — See Ch. 239.
Sewers — See Ch. 253.
Soil removal — See Ch. 257.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 265.
Swimming pools — See Ch. 269.
Tennis courts — See Ch. 277.
Trailers — See Ch. 280.
Trees and shrubs — See Ch. 283.
Furnishing of heat — See Ch. 336.
Inspections — See Ch. 341.
Sanitation and drainage — See Ch. 375.
Toilet facilities — See Ch. 381.
Utilities — See Ch. A391.