The Board of Estimate and Apportionment is hereby authorized, pursuant to § 20, Subdivision 29, of the General City Law and pursuant to § 92-a, Subdivision 2, of the General Municipal Law, to contract with a nonprofit membership corporation, organized under Article 9-C of the Insurance Law[1] and approved by the Superintendent of Insurance and the State Board of Social Welfare, for the purpose of furnishing medical and surgical services and hospital service as defined in such Article 9-C to persons who contract with such corporation. Any such contract so entered into by the City of Albany shall permit any officer, employee or group of employees of an agency or department who is paid out of the City treasury voluntarily to submit to a plan or plans providing for medical and surgical services and hospital service to such employees and their families. The Comptroller of the City of Albany is authorized to deduct from the wages or salary paid by the City of Albany to such officers and employees, with the prior consent of such contracting or subscribing officer and employee, the sums required to be paid by such officer and employee to such corporation. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment, if such contract or plan provides that the employer shall contribute a share of such medical and surgical services and hospital service, is authorized to appropriate a sum required to be paid under such contract by the City of Albany as employer. The sum to be paid under such contract, in the discretion of such Board of Estimate and Apportionment, may be a payment equal to the sum of the contributions of individual officers and employees who have subscribed to the plan or plans of such corporation. The sum so appropriated shall be included in the budget of the City of Albany for the next ensuing fiscal year. The City of Albany shall be authorized to pay directly to such corporation the total of such appropriation and of such officer and employee deductions.
Editor's Note: See now Article 43 of the Insurance Law.