[Amended 4-8-1997]
In a Residence B District, no building, structure or premises shall be used or occupied, and no building or part thereof or other structure shall be so erected or altered, except for one of the purposes which are permitted in a Residence AAA District.
Shall be the same as those permitted in a Residence AAA District when authorized by a special permit from the Town Board after a public hearing, and no other.
[Added 7-13-1999]
The uses permitted by special permit from the Planning Board after a public hearing shall be the same as those permitted in a Residence AAA District when authorized by special permit from the Planning Board after a public hearing, and no other.
Shall be the same as those permitted in a Residence AAA District when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals, and no other.
No accessory use and structure shall be permitted in a Residence B District except those which are permitted in a Residence AAA District.
[Added 4-8-1997; amended 12-12-2006; 5-21-2013; 2-28-2017]
All uses not expressly permitted are prohibited, including, but not limited to, the following:
Editor's Note: Former § 68-108.1A, parking any vehicle registered as a bus, minibus or commercial vehicle, including a tractor-trailer combination, was repealed 5-14-2024.
Editor's Note: Former § 68-108.1B, parking any vehicle bearing commercial advertising or identification, was repealed 5-14-2024.
It shall be unlawful to park or allow to be parked, overnight from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., any unregistered vehicles, commercial equipment, or all-terrain vehicle in the right-of-way of any Town roadway.
It shall be unlawful to place or allow to be placed portable storage units on occupied residential property, except for a period not to exceed three months, subject to obtaining a permit from the Building Division. No more than one renewal of said permit shall be permitted.
It shall be unlawful to mechanically test any unregistered vehicles, commercial equipment or all-terrain vehicles in the right-of-way of any Town roadway.
[Amended 10-6-1987]
In Residence B District, no building or structure shall be erected to a height in excess of 28 feet or two stories.
Flagpoles shall not exceed 18 feet in height.
[Added 9-11-2001]
The required accessory structure height shall be the same as that in the Residence AAA District.
[Added 1-14-2003]
All new dwelling entrance platforms, stoops or terraces shall not exceed three feet in height. The Commissioner of Planning and Development, or the Commissioner's designee may vary this requirement upon a showing of necessity to enter the permitted building from a greater height. Only that height that is necessary to safely enter the dwelling from average grade may be permitted upon the determination of the Commissioner.
[Added 4-5-2005][1]
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection E, Exceptions, added 12-2-2008, and which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-5-2013.
[Amended 10-6-1987; 1-14-2003]
The percentage of lot occupancy and floor area ratio regulations shall be the same as those in the Residence AAA District.
The minimum required plot area for a single-family dwelling shall be 7,500 square feet.
The minimum required plot area for other permitted buildings not accessory buildings shall be 40,000 square feet.
[Amended 4-8-1997]
Separate ownership. A single-family dwelling may be erected on any lot which was separately owned at the time of the passage of the ordinance or on any lot separately owned at the time of any amendment thereto heretofore adopted, and which has not come into common ownership with adjoining property and conforms to the area density requirements of the Amended Zoning Ordinance prior to any such amendment and conforms to all other minimum requirements of this ordinance.
The minimum living area requirements shall be the same as those in the Residence AAA District.
Minimum requirements.
The minimum width of lot for a single-family dwelling in a Residence B District shall be 75 feet throughout.
The minimum width of lot for other permitted buildings in a Residence B District shall be 100 feet throughout.
Exception. A lot need not have the required width throughout, so long as:
Said lot is 75 feet in width as measured parallel to and 25 feet back from the front property line, and
Said lot has frontage on a cul-de-sac or curvilinear road where the side lines of the lot are straight but not parallel, and has a minimum width of 50 feet at the front property line, and
Said lot otherwise complies with all requirements of this chapter.
Separate ownership. A single-family dwelling may be erected on any lot which was separately owned at the time of the passage of the ordinance or on any lot separately owned at the time of any amendment thereto heretofore adopted, and which has not come into common ownership with adjoining property and conforms to the width of lot requirements of the Amended Zoning Ordinance prior to any such amendment and conforms to all other minimum requirements of this chapter.
Main buildings. All buildings except accessory buildings hereafter erected shall have a required front yard of 25 feet.
[Amended 4-8-1997; 5-14-2024]
Corner lots. All main buildings hereafter erected on a corner lot shall also have a front yard facing the side street. This front yard shall be at least 15 feet for a single-family dwelling and 25 feet for other permitted buildings, unless arterial highway setback is greater. (See Article XXXII.)
Through lots. A minimum front yard setback of 25 feet shall be required on both street frontages on a through lot, unless arterial highway setback is greater. (See Article XXXII.)
Accessory structures.
[Amended 1-14-2003]
Accessory structures shall observe the same setback behind the front line of the main dwelling as those in the Residence AAA District.
[Amended 5-21-2013; 8-5-2014]
Accessory structures on corner lots shall also have a minimum front yard setback from the side street of 20 feet, or the arterial highway setback, whichever is greater.
[Amended 2-28-2017]
Accessory structures on through lots shall also have a minimum front yard setback from the through lot front yard of 15 feet.
[Added 9-15-2020]
Dwellings. All main buildings hereafter erected shall have a side yard along each lot line other than a street or rear line. The sum of the width of the two side yards for a single-family dwelling shall be a minimum of 28 feet with a minimum width of 14 feet.
[Amended 10-6-1987; 9-6-1988; 1-14-2003; 8-12-2003; 7-20-2021]
Other permitted buildings. The sum of the width of the two side yards for any other permitted building not an accessory building shall be 30 feet with a minimum width of either of such side yards of 15 feet.
Side yard regulations for accessory buildings shall be the same as those in the Residence AAA District, § 68-55.[1]
[Amended 9-12-2000; 2-28-2017]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D, regarding separate ownership, which immediately followed, was repealed 10-13-2010.
Dwellings and other permitted buildings. All main buildings hereafter erected shall have a minimum rear yard whose depth is not less than 25 feet.
Accessory buildings. Rear yard regulations for accessory buildings shall be the same as those in the Residence AAA District, § 68-56.
[Amended 9-12-2000; 2-28-2017]
Editor's Note: Former § 68-116.1, Building separation, was repealed 6-8-2010.
The following encroachments are hereby permitted:
Cornices, eaves, gutters and chimneys projecting not more than 24 inches.
Bay windows and fireplaces not wider than six feet and not projecting more than 24 inches.
Open and unroofed entrance platforms or terraces not more than six feet in width nor more than three feet in height. The Commissioner of Planning and Development, or the Commissioner's designee, may vary this requirement upon a showing of necessity to enter the permitted building from a greater height or distance. Only that height or distance that is necessary to enter the dwelling from average grade may be permitted.
[Amended 1-14-2003; 4-5-2005]
Unenclosed porches encroaching not more than five feet from the minimum front yard requirement and not more than three feet in height as measured from the existing grade of property. This exemption shall not apply to secondary front yards and nonconforming uses. In no case shall any unenclosed porch have a depth, at any point, greater than 10 feet. Depth shall be measured from the furthest point of the front line of the main dwelling from the street property line to the outside face of the porch. Existing entrances where a roof overhang is added shall be exempt from the maximum height of three feet. In those instances, the existing height of the entranceway shall remain.
[Added 9-11-2001; amended 1-14-2003; 9-15-2020]
Open and unroofed decks encroaching not more than five feet from the minimum front yard requirement and not more than three feet in height as measured from the existing grade of property. This exemption shall not apply to secondary front yards, nonconforming front yard setbacks and nonconforming uses. In no case shall any open or unroofed deck have a depth, at any point, greater than 10 feet. Depth shall be measured from the furthest point of the front line of the main dwelling from the street property line to the outside face of the deck.
[Added 9-11-2001; amended 1-14-2003]
Basement entranceways, covered or uncovered, may extend up to six feet into any required side and rear yards, provided that they are connected to the main building and are no higher than 2.5 feet above grade at any point. This exemption shall not apply to front yards, secondary front yards, nonconforming side or rear yard setbacks and nonconforming uses.
[Added 9-11-2001; amended 9-15-2020]
Subsurface emergency escape and rescue openings and window wells, provided that no portion of same is more than six inches above grade. These all be permitted up to three feet into any conforming setback.
[Added 6-12-2007]
(See §§ 68-IIIC, 68-113C and 68-115D of this article.)
(See Article XXX.)
[Added 3-24-1992; amended 7-20-2021]
(See § 68-420.2.)
[Added 4-8-1997]
The exterior site improvements and land clearing of property shall be regulated under the Residential AAA District requirements of § 68-59.01 and Article XXXI of this chapter.