[Added 9-15-1987]
[Amended 4-8-1997]
This district is designated to implement the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Islip in those areas identified as wetlands and watercourses and adjacent buffer areas pursuant to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation guidelines or as identified by the Town of Islip based upon inspection. These objectives are as follows:
To further the maintenance and improvement of our fresh and salt water quality;
To prevent the destruction of wetlands management lands;
To preserve natural drainageways and consequent flooding of adjoining properties; and
To diminish the amount of runoff and other pollution into waterways, inlets and the Great South Bay.
[Amended 4-4-1989; 4-8-1997; 5-14-2024]
This district shall comprise all property regulated by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation or as identified by the Town of Islip based on inspection as wetlands or adjacent buffer areas. Unless a greater buffer area has been established to the contrary, a minimum buffer area of 100 feet shall be considered when determining yield.
[Amended 4-4-1989; 4-8-1997]
For parcels located entirely within the Overlay District, a minimum lot area of 80,000 square feet shall be required for a single-family residence.
[Amended 5-14-2024]
For parcels located partially within the Overlay District, yield shall be based upon the following:
Yield for that portion of the property designated as wetlands or adjacent buffer areas shall be based upon one dwelling unit per 80,000 square feet of area, excluding underwater land.
Yield for that portion of the property not designated as wetlands or adjacent buffer areas shall be based upon the underlying zoning district.
The wetland and adjacent buffer yield combined with the underlying zoning yield shall constitute the total yield for the property.
Application to the Board of Appeals for a lot area variance shall be required for all parcels that maintain a total yield of less than one dwelling unit.
[Amended 4-4-1989; 4-8-1997]
There shall be no development located within that portion of a site designated as wetlands. Development within a buffer area shall only be permitted in accordance with Chapter 67 of the Islip Town Code and pursuant to the comments of the Planning Department.
[Amended 12-9-1997]
That portion of a parcel zoned for general service, business or industrial use located within the Overlay District shall not be utilized in meeting the minimum landscaping or buffer requirements of the ordinance.
[Added 4-8-1997]
All activities, except for those activities that require site plan review or plot plan review, within the Overlay District shall be subject to the issuance of a wetland and watercourse permit from the Planning Department in accordance with all rules and regulations of this Code, including Chapter 67, Wetlands and Watercourses.
[Amended 5-14-2024]
Editor's Note: Former § 68-486.2, Setbacks, added 4-8-1997, was repealed 12-9-1997.