The provisions of the Housing Code of the City of Oswego, known as the "Housing Standards," shall be enforced by the City Engineer, who is hereby designated as the Housing Administrator.
The City Engineer shall be authorized to conduct surveys of housing in any area of the municipality to determine the condition of premises, extent of deterioration, lack of facilities, inadequate maintenance, unsafe and insanitary conditions, extent of overcrowding, land use and other relevant factors.
It shall be the duty of the City Engineer, or his authorized representative, the Building Inspector:
To cause periodic inspections to be made of all premises within the scope of applicable housing standards.
To cause an investigation of all complaints of alleged housing violations or other unsafe or insanitary conditions.
To order, in writing, the remedying of all conditions found to exist in or on any premises in violation of provisions of the housing standards or of rules and regulations adopted by the agency, to state in the violation order a reasonable time limit for compliance therewith and, where necessary, to order the vacation of premises found unfit for human habitation.
To request the Corporation Counsel to take appropriate legal action upon failure of the responsible party to comply with such violation order within the time specified therein.
To cause a search of the Engineering Department records of housing violations existing on any premises and to issue a certified statement thereof upon receipt of written request and payment of any fees required by local law or ordinance.
To study housing conditions in the municipality.
To prepare an annual report of housing conditions in the municipality, work of the agency and recommendations for the future.
Where violations of the housing standards exist and pose an immediate hazard or danger to the health, safety or welfare of building occupants or of the public, the City Engineer may issue an order citing the violation and directing such action by such municipal agency as is necessary to remove or abate the immediate hazard or danger. Any expenditures incurred by the city under this provision shall be an expense of the property and shall become a lien on the property.
Inspectors shall be authorized and have the right, in the performance of their duties, to enter any premises during normal business hours and in emergencies whenever necessary to protect the public interest.
Owners, agents, operators and occupants shall be responsible for providing access to all parts of the premises within their control to authorized Engineering Department personnel acting in the performance of their duties.
The Engineering Department shall keep records of all complaints received, inspections made and violations found regarding premises regulated by the housing standards. Records shall be kept in a manner and form as prescribed by local law and shall be available for public inspection.
Each person who shall fail to comply with a violation order issued by the City Engineer or member of his department within the time limit stated thereon shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine not less than ten dollars ($10.) or by imprisonment for not less than five days nor more than 10 days, or both.