[Amended 2-12-1988; 12-13-2002 by L.L. No. 16-2002]
The final plat and supporting material for the proposed subdivision constitute the complete submission of the subdivision proposal and include the recommendations resulting from Planning Board review of the preliminary plat and public hearing held thereon, as well as a review of the detailed layout drawings for the public improvements. In accordance with § 276 of the Town Law, as amended, the Planning Board may waive a public hearing on the final plat when the final plat substantially conforms to an approved preliminary plat on which a public hearing has been held. After final plat approval by the Planning Board, this complete submission becomes the basis for the construction of the subdivision. The plat itself must be recorded at the office of the County Clerk and the Town Clerk to have legal status. If the final plat will be filed with the County Clerk in more than one section, the approved final plat of the entire subdivision will be filed with the Town Clerk.
The final plat shall be an accurate survey of the properties resulting from the subdivision.
The submission of a final plat shall consist of the following items:
Application for final plat approval, with required subdivision fees and engineering review deposit as applicable.
The final plat, signed and approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health, plus at least five paper prints. (See Subsection E of this section.)
The final drainage plan and street profiles, at least four paper prints. (See Subsections C and E of this section.)
Letters directed to the Planning Board and signed by a responsible official of the electric power agency, water service agency and cablevision service agency which have jurisdiction in the area assuring provision of necessary services to the proposed subdivision, if applicable.
Letters in appropriate cases directed to the Planning Board signed by a responsible official of the State Department of Transportation or the Suffolk County Department of Public Works approving proposed construction on state or county rights-of-way.
Letter directed to the Planning Board signed by a responsible official of the school district in which the subdivision is to be located acknowledging receipt of the subdivision plans.
Offers of dedication for all properties, including street rights-of-way, scenic easements, drainage easements, drainage structures, etc., to be conveyed to the Town of Shelter Island.
The subdivider shall file his complete submission for the final plat at the office of the Planning Board. A proposed submission which does not include all of the required drawings and documents will not be accepted by the Planning Board. A submission shall be filed 14 days prior to a meeting date to be heard at that particular meeting.
Performance bond.
[Amended 10-22-2010 by L.L. No. 11-2010]
The Town Engineer and/or Superintendent of Highways shall prepare a performance bond estimate and shall deliver same to the Planning Board, along with his approval of the drainage plan and street profiles. If the plat is to be filed in sections, the performance bond estimate shall be prepared for the section to be filed.
If the subdivision is so located as to require referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission, there shall be three copies of the final plat and one copy of the drainage plans and street profiles for each referral. (Check with the office of the Planning Board.)
Within 45 days of the receipt of a complete final plat submission or within 45 days after the date of the public hearing if such hearing is held, the Planning Board shall take formal action either approving or disapproving or approving with modification the final plat, and a written notification of such action shall be given to the subdivider. If the final plat is approved, the subdivider shall carry out the following steps prior to obtaining the Chairman's signature of approval:
Make all required corrections or modifications to the satisfaction of the Planning Board.
Deliver to the Planning Board a deed suitable for recording, together with a certificate of title and release of mortgage, if applicable, for the required parkland dedication, or pay the fee in lieu thereof.
Submit copies of the corrected final plat as follows: six tracing cloth or Mylar copies: one for the County Clerk; one for the Assessor; three for the Planning Board; and one for the Town Clerk.
Obtain a performance bond in the amount of the bond estimate and submit the same to the approval by the Town Board.
All required corrections or modifications of the final plat shall be made within 180 days of the Planning Board's formal action. An additional period of up to 180 days may be granted upon petition to the Planning Board if such period is found to be justified.
The Chairman shall sign the final plat for the Planning Board indicating approval. Such signature shall not be given until the performance bond has been approved by the Town Board and all fees have been paid.
If the final plat is to be filed with the County Clerk in sections, the subdivider will file the final plat with the Town Clerk. The Chairman will sign two copies of the section to be filed with the County Clerk.
Planning Board approval of the final plat shall not be deemed an acceptance by the Town of any street or other land shown as offered for dedication to public use.
The signature of the duly authorized Planning Board officer constituting final approval of the plat shall expire 60 days after the date of the signature unless within such time the final plat or a section thereof shall have been filed in the office of the County Clerk and the office of the-Town Clerk.
Expiration of an approval shall mean that any further action will require a new filing fee and public hearing, as well as a review of previous findings.
The final plat shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor and shall show the information noted in this section, with bearings to the nearest 20 seconds and dimensions to the nearest 0.01 foot.
Size and type of drawing:
Sheet size shall be either 18 inches by 20 inches or 36 inches by 20 inches.
The original drawing shall be done with India ink on linen tracing cloth or Mylar, with computed dimensions and careful lettering, using uppercase letters at a minimum height of 1/8 inch.
Sufficient survey data shall be shown to determine readily the location, bearing and length of every street line, lot line, easement line and boundary line and to reproduce such lines upon the ground.
The survey shall be tied in to the nearest established monument in the Suffolk County system, or two consecutive points on the survey shall have Suffolk County coordinates.
The scale of the drawing shall be not more than 100 feet to the inch and shall be a common engineering scale.
Title block. The title block shall be the same as that required for the preliminary plat. [See § 111-15B(1) through (6).]
Other notations.
Date of original preparation and of each subsequent revision.
Scale and North point.
Offer of dedication, as follows:
The subdivider has irrevocably offered to cede title to the Town of Shelter Island of the land areas designated for streets, widening of streets, drainage easements, parks, recharge basins and any other lands noted on this plat for dedication to the Town. Approval of this final plat does not constitute acceptance by the Town of the offer of dedication.
Compliance with zoning.
For a standard subdivision plat, the following note shall be used:
This is to certify that all lots and parcels shown on this plat comply with the requirements of the Town of Shelter Island Zoning Ordinance.
Signature of Surveyor
For a planned residential development subdivision plat, the following note shall be used:
This is to certify that all lots and parcels shown on this plat comply with the requirements of the Town of Shelter Island Zoning Ordinance except as modified by the Planning Board pursuant to § 281 of the Town Law. Such modifications of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, as noted herein, have been granted simultaneously with the approval of this plat.
Signature of Surveyor
Certification of approval as follows:
This is to certify that this subdivision plat has been approved by the Planning Board of the Town of Shelter Island by resolution dated
Chairman's Signature
Key maps of the entire subdivision shall be the same as that required on the preliminary plat, except that the area being submitted for final plat approval shall be shaded if it is only one section of the entire subdivision. The key map shall be at a scale of 600 feet to the inch.
Boundary lines.
Subdivision boundary line.
Zoning district(s).
School and fire district(s).
Incorporated village(s).
Streets, lots and easements.
Street rights-of-way and widenings of street rights-of-way.
Location, name and right-of-way width.
Notation of offer of dedication on widenings.
Lot lines with bearings and dimensions.
Identification numbers by a suitable system of consecutive numbers, regardless of sections.
Area of each lot to the nearest square foot shall be noted upon each lot.
Drainage easements and recharge basins.
Location and identification.
Width and other dimensions necessary for description.
Special parcels.
Description of proposed restriction or use, including a note where an offer of dedication is being made.
Boundary lines with bearings and dimensions.
Water supply systems.
Location and size of water mains and/or wells.
Location of blowoff valves.
Additional information as required by the Suffolk County Department of Health.
Sanitary waste disposal system: such information as required by the Suffolk County Department of Health or the Town of Shelter Island.
Location of monuments, existing and proposed, shall be shown by this symbol:
One monument shall be located at each corner of the subdivision boundary and at each change in direction of the boundary.
Monuments shall be located at each street intersection and at each point of curvature and point of tangency.
Additional monuments shall be placed at points determined by the Town Engineer.
Fire-protection devices: such information concerning location and type of installation as required by the Fire Commissioners.
The drainage plan and street profiles are declared to be an integral part of the final plat submission.
The performance bond and the engineering review fee shall be based on the drainage plan, the final plat itself and these Subdivision Regulations.
The design of the drainage plan and street profiles shall comply with the design standards set forth in these Subdivision Regulations and the regulations established by the Town Engineer and/or Superintendent of Highways.
Drainage plan requirements.
Sheet size shall be either 18 inches by 20 inches or 36 inches by 20 inches.
A complete drainage system for the entire subdivision, with development stages for each of the final plat sections, shall be shown. If more than one sheet is required, a clearly drawn match line shall be shown on both sheets and on a key map.
The outline of all street rights-of-way, drainage easements, recharge basins and other related features shall be shown.
Precise street center-line gradients in percent indicated with arrows to establish the direction of flow shall be shown.
Critical street center-line elevations shall be shown.
Boundaries of stormwater runoff watersheds for each major drainage facility and their area in acres shall be shown.
Identification of drainage structures by type and whether existing or proposed shall be included.
All appropriate details and dimensions necessary to clearly explain the proposed construction, including type of construction, material, size, pitch and invert elevations, among other things, in accordance with good engineering practice shall be included.
Locations of test holes, description of soil conditions and water level at recharge basin locations and other points as required by the Town Engineer and/or Superintendent of Highways shall be shown.
Street profile requirements.
Drawings shall be made on standard profile paper with the following scales:
Horizontal scale: one inch equals 50 feet.
Vertical scale: one inch equals 10 feet.
A profile shall be submitted for each proposed street and for any existing street in the subdivision if it will affect the design.
The center-line profile, existing or natural and proposed, the typical cross section and a system of survey stations shall be included.
Notations as to percent of gradient, critical elevations and vertical curve data shall be included.
Location and invert elevation of all proposed drainage structures in street rights-of-way shall be shown.
Pavement construction and drainage design criteria. Pavement construction and drainage design criteria shall comply with the requirements of the Superintendent of Highway's road and drainage standards for the Town of Shelter Island.
Site preparation and construction of the required public improvements shall not begin until the final plat has been signed by the Chairman of the Planning Board and the final plat has been duly recorded in the offices of the Suffolk County Clerk and the Town Clerk, unless such work is to be performed without posting a performance bond, in which event such work shall not begin until a resolution conditionally approving the final plat has been adopted by the Planning Board and any conditions set forth therein required to be met prior to beginning such work shall have been complied with.