For the purposes of this chapter, the Town of Shelter Island, excluding the Village of Dering Harbor, is hereby divided into basic zoning districts, as follows:
[Amended 12-2-2011 by L.L. No. 8-2011]
District A (Residential)
District AA (Residential)
District B (Business)
District B-1 (Restricted Business)
District C (Residential)
District Causeway (Residential)
In addition, there are the following overlay districts which are superimposed over portions of the above basic districts:
Undeveloped Coastal Barrier
Near Shore and Peninsular
Special Zoning (Reserved)
Industrial (Reserved)
Freshwater Overlay (Reserved).
The boundaries and locations of all basic and overlay districts shall be shown upon maps attached to and made a part of this chapter, which maps are entitled the "Official Zoning Maps, Town of Shelter Island, New York," (two sheets), dated June 5, 1999, and all the notations, references and other things shown thereon shall be as much a part of this chapter as if the matters and things shown in said map were fully described herein. In the event of conflict between the verbal district descriptions in § 133-4 and those maps, the verbal description shall prevail.
District A (Residential) shall embrace each and every part of the Town of Shelter Island not embraced within Districts AA, B, B-1 and C, excluding the Village of Dering Harbor.
District AA (Residential) shall embrace all of the following-described areas, except areas presently zoned District B (Business):
All property easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of Shelter Island Sound and the center line of Ferry Road; thence northerly along the center line of Ferry Road to the intersection of Ferry Road and Cartwright Road; thence generally northerly along the center line of Cartwright Road to its intersection with the center line of Congdon Road; thence generally easterly along the center of Congdon Road to the intersection of the mean high water line of Congdon's Creek; thence generally northerly along the mean high water line of Coecles Harbor to its intersection with the southerly boundary of land now or formerly of Price designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-8-3-21.2; thence westerly along said southerly boundary of Price designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-8-3-21.2 to the southwesterly corner of said property of Price designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-8-3-21.2; thence southerly to the center line of Willow Lane; thence westerly along the center line of Willow Lane to its intersection with the center line of Cartwright Road; thence northerly and westerly along the center line of Cartwright Road; thence southerly along the center line of Ram Island Road to a point 255 feet northerly from the north line of Wade Road; thence westerly running along a line 255 feet northerly of Wade Road and parallel to Wade Road to the center line of Manhanset Road; thence southerly along the center line of Manhanset Road to its intersection with the center line of Manwaring Road; thence westerly along the center lines of Manwaring Road and Ferry Road to the intersection with the southerly extension of the easterly boundary of land of Dorsey designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-7-4-78; thence northerly along said easterly boundary of land of Dorsey designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-7-4-78 to the intersection with the mean high water line of Gardiner's Creek; thence northerly along the westerly mean high water line of Gardiner's Creek to the mean high water line of Dering Harbor.
All property westerly and northerly of the following-described line: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Bootlegger's Alley with the waters of Shelter Island Sound and continuing northeasterly along Bootlegger's Alley to the intersection with West Neck Road; thence northeasterly along the center line of West Neck Road to the intersection of West Neck Road and Behringer Road; thence northerly and westerly along the center line of Behringer Road to the intersection of Behringer Road and Stearns Point Road; thence northerly and easterly and thence northerly along the center line of Stearns Point Road to the intersection of Stearns Point Road and Shore Road; thence easterly along the center line of Shore Road and West Neck Road to the intersection of West Neck Road and New York Avenue; thence northerly along the center line of New York Avenue to the centerline of Meadow Street as designated on Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-6-4-15; thence easterly along the centerline of Meadow Street to the intersection with the mean high water line of Chase's Creek; thence northerly along the westerly mean high water line of Chase's Creek to the mean high water line of Dering Harbor.
District B (Business) shall be embraced within the following-described boundaries, excluding the area described in District B-1 (Restricted Business District), namely;
the west side of Grand Avenue, Lot Nos. 225, 227, 229, 231, 233, 235, 237, 239, 241, 243, 245 and 247, including the alley adjacent thereto, and on the east side of Grand Avenue, Lot No. 258, and the westerly half of Lot No. 260, including the alley adjacent thereto, and Lot Nos. 979, 980, 981 and 1002, including the alley adjacent thereto, and Lot Nos. 961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967 and 968, including the alley lying between said lots; both sides of West Neck Road for a depth of 250 feet and for a distance of 500 feet easterly from its intersection with Menantic Road and both sides of Menantic Road beginning at its intersection with West Neck Road (commonly called Ketcham's Corner) for a depth of 250 feet and for a distance along Menantic Road of 350 feet southerly from its intersection with West Neck Road; both sides of the street commonly called Bridge Street (but not officially named on the appended map) running from the bridge over Chase's Creek easterly to Ferry Road junction; both sides of Manwaring Road and to a depth of 300 feet; the south side of Hudson Avenue to a depth of 265 feet; both sides of Ferry Road extending from St. Mary's Road to the intersection of the center line of Ferry Road and Cartwright Road to a depth of 300 feet for the entire distance; both sides of Ferry Road where it is intersected with Manwaring Road, and running to Bateman Road; thence along both sides of Ferry Road easterly to St. Mary's Road; thence running northerly on both sides of St. Mary's Road to Thomas Street, all to a depth of 300 feet; the north side of Ferry Road from the junction of said Ferry Road and Manwaring Road, extending westerly a distance of 523.08 feet and to a depth of 300 feet; beginning at a point on the south side of North Ferry Road, said point being the northwest corner of the land of R. and K. Reiter designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-1-1, running thence easterly, along the northerly boundary of lands of Reiter designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-1-1 and D. Calabro designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-1-2, thence easterly, thence southerly, thence westerly along the southerly boundary lines of S. & L. Enterprises designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-1-3 and R. and K. Reiter designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-1-1, thence northerly along the west boundary line of R. and K. Reiter designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-1-1 to the south side of North Ferry Road and the point or place of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the northerly boundary line of the land now or formerly of J. Josephson designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-4-135, said point being 292 feet easterly from the intersection of the northerly boundary line of said J. Josephson designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-4-135 with the easterly boundary line of Cartwright Road; thence easterly along the northerly boundary line of said J. Josephson designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-4-135 to a point at the intersection with the mean high water mark of Congdon's Creek; thence northerly along the mean high water mark of Congdon's Creek and the lands now or formerly of Dobson and Scudder designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-4-134.7 and 134.2 and David Dowd designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-4-133; thence easterly and northerly along the mean high water mark of Congdon's Creek to a point, said point being the intersection of the extension eastward of the northerly boundary line of land designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-16-1-8 and the mean high water mark of Congdon's Creek; thence westerly by said boundary line extension and the northerly boundary line of land designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-16-1-8 to a point at the western end of that property line; thence northerly by the western boundary line of land designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-16-1-7 to its intersection with the centerline of Cherry Lane (a private way); thence westerly by the centerline of Cherry Lane to a point 300 feet easterly of the east side of Cartwright Road; thence southerly along a line parallel to and 300 feet easterly of the east side of Cartwright Road, coinciding with the easterly boundary line of lots designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-4-124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, and 13 1, continuing southerly 300 feet easterly of the east side of Cartwright Road across land designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-4-132.1 and Congdon Road to the centerline of Congdon Road; thence westerly along the centerline of Congdon Road to a point 292 feet easterly of the east side of Cartwright Road; thence southerly along a line parallel to and 292 feet easterly of the east sideline of Cartwright Road coinciding with the easterly boundary of land designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-15-4-134.4 and 134.5 to the point or place of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the southerly boundary line of a 28 foot right-of-way, said point being north 80 degrees 5 minutes 10 seconds east 461.9 feet from the northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of Burstein/Bregstein designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-22-2-26 and the easterly boundary line of Menantic Road; thence north 5 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds east 323 feet to a stake; thence north 86 degrees 51 minutes 50 seconds east 478.34 feet to a stake; thence north 37 degrees 6 minutes 40 seconds east 211.53 feet to a stake; thence south 28 degrees 47 minutes 20 seconds east 170 feet to a stake and the mean high water line of Menantic Creek; thence southerly and westerly along the high-water mark of Menantic Creek a distance of approximately 1,100 feet to a stake on the highwater mark of Menantic Creek; thence northerly 7 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds west 260 feet to the point or place of beginning. Said description includes the area within the boundaries described, the presently dredged boat basin area.
District B-1 (Restricted Business District) shall be embraced within the following-described boundaries: Beginning at a point on a line projected at right angles to Jaspa Road, said point being 100 feet south of the south side of Jaspa Road and 300 feet west of the west side of Ferry Road; and from said point of beginning, easterly along a line parallel to Jaspa Road 300 feet to the intersection with Ferry Road; across Ferry Road and thence easterly and perpendicular to the east side of Ferry Road 300 feet; thence southerly in a straight line parallel to the east side of Ferry Road, which southerly line crosses Thomas Street and the easterly prolongation of Ferry Road, to a point 300 feet southerly of the south line of said easterly prolongation of Ferry Road and which point is also 300 feet easterly of the east side of School Street; and from said last mentioned point westerly and parallel to the south side of said prolongation of Ferry Road to a point on the east side of School Street, which point is southerly 300 feet from the southeast corner of the intersection of School Street and the prolongation of Ferry Road; thence across School Street to a point on the west side of School Street, which point is 300 feet south of the southwest corner of the intersection of Ferry Road and Bateman Road; thence westerly along a line parallel to and 300 feet south of the south side of Bateman Road; thence northerly 300 feet to a point on the south side of Bateman Road; which point is 300 feet westerly of the southwest corner of the intersection of Bateman Road and School Street; thence northerly to a point on the north side of Bateman Road, which is 300 feet westerly of the northwest corner of the intersection of Bateman Road and Ferry Road; thence northerly along a line which is parallel to and 300 feet distant from the west side of Ferry Road to the point or place of beginning.
[Amended 10-23-2015 by L.L. No. 10-2015]
District C (Residential) shall be embraced with the following-described boundaries: Beginning at a point on the westerly side of the mouth of Chase's Creek; thence southerly along the westerly mean high water line of Chase's Creek to its southern extremity; thence westerly along a line from the southerly extremity of Chase's Creek to its intersection with New York Avenue at right angles; thence southerly along the center line of New York Avenue to the center line of West Neck Road; thence westerly along the center line of West Neck Road to the intersection with the center line of Stearns Point Road; thence southerly along the center line of Stearns Point Road a distance of approximately 320 feet to the westerly extension of the center line of a private road; thence easterly approximately 650 feet along the center line of said private road to its intersection with the center line of West Neck Road; thence southerly along the center line of West Neck Road to the intersection with the westerly projection of the northerly boundary of property now owned by Hayman designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-14-2-11.2; thence southeasterly along said boundary of Hayman designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-14-2-11.2 to the intersection with the northerly boundary of Polonecki designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-14-2-12; thence easterly along said northern boundary of Hayman designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-14-2-11.2 to the westerly boundary of land of Calabro; thence southerly along the westerly boundary of Calabro to the northwesterly corner of lands of Huckins designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-14-2-61.1; thence easterly along the northerly boundaries of the lands of Huckins designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-14-2-61.1 to the lands of Calabro designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-14-2-82; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the lands of Calabro designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-14-2-82 to the center line of Menantic Road; thence southerly along said center line of Menantic Road to the mean high water line of West Neck Harbor; thence northerly, easterly and southerly along the mean high water line of West Neck Harbor and Menantic Creek; thence easterly along the mean high water line of West Neck Harbor to the intersection with the center line of Heron Lane; thence northerly along a line drawn at right angles to the center line of Heron Lane to its intersection with the center line of Midway Road; thence generally westerly and northerly along the center line of Midway Road to the intersection of Midway Road and Lake Drive; thence generally northerly along the center line of Lake Drive; thence generally easterly along a line drawn at right angles to the center line of Lake Drive to the southwest corner of Lot No. 11, Section 1, of Shorewood Farm; thence generally easterly along the southern boundary of Shelterlands to the western boundary line of J. and J. Smith designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-19-2-113.28; thence generally northerly along the western boundary line of Conservancy Estates to the intersection of said line with the center line of Ferry Road; thence generally easterly along the center line of Ferry Road to the intersection of Ferry Road and Cartwright Road; thence generally northerly along the center line of Cartwright Road to its intersection with the center line of Congdon Road; thence generally easterly along the center line of Congdon Road to the intersection with the mean high water line of Congdon's Creek; thence generally northerly along the mean high water line of Coecles Harbor to its intersection with the southerly boundary of land now or formerly of Price designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-8-3-21.2; thence westerly along said southerly boundary of Price designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-8-3-21.2 to the southwesterly corner of said property of Price designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-8-3-21.2; thence southerly to the center line of Willow Lane; thence westerly along the center line of Willow Lane to its intersection with the center line of Cartwright Road; thence northerly and westerly along the center line of Cartwright Road to its intersection with the center line of Ram Island Road; thence southerly along the center line of Ram Island Road to a point 255 feet northerly from the north line of Wade Road; thence westerly, parallel to Wade Road to its intersection with the center line of Manhanset Road; thence southerly along the center line of Manhanset Road to its intersection with the center line of Manwaring Road; thence westerly along the center lines of Manwaring Road and Ferry Road to the intersection with the southerly extension of the easterly boundary of land of Dorsey designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-7-4-78; thence northerly along said easterly boundary of land of Dorsey designated as Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-7-4-78 to the intersection with the mean high water line of Gardiner's Creek; thence northerly along the westerly mean high water line of Gardiner's Creek; thence westerly along the southerly mean high water line of Dering Harbor to the point of beginning, excluding therefrom those areas described in District B (Business) and B-1 (Restricted Business).
Undeveloped Coastal Barrier Overlay Districts shall include all areas designated as undeveloped coastal barriers by the United States Secretary of the Interior acting pursuant to Section 341(d)(1) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 establishing a new Section 1321 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, either finally or prospectively, as shown on Federal Insurance Rate Maps for Shelter Island, Revised June 2, 1992, or as amended thereafter.
The Near Shore and Peninsular Overlay District shall comprise the following:
All lands shoreward of a line drawn as follows: Beginning at the shore at the southerly boundary of the Village of Dering Harbor, easterly by that boundary to the western boundary of the Catholic Church Cemetery, thence along a line drawn from the easterly boundary of Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-2-1-2, now or formerly known as the land of E. and E. Doetsch, to Cobbett's Lane, including intervening shoreward lots; thence from Cobbett's Lane easterly to and including Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-7-7-30, now or formerly known as the land of Benasuli and Cooley to Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-8-1-5.2, now or formerly known as the land of Fiske; thence southerly at a distance of 500 feet shoreward on the land of Fiske to Route 114, including Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-7-6-1, now or formerly the land of Woodworth; thence westerly to the westerly line of Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-7-4-78, now or formerly known as the land of Dorsey; thence northerly to Winthrop Road, including the following lots and shoreward portions of lots:
Suffolk County Tax Map No.
Now or formerly known as land of:
Collins (500 feet shoreward)
Von Carp (500 feet shoreward)
Thence westerly on Winthrop Road to Route 114; thence southerly on Route 114 to the northerly line of Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-7-3-45.1, now or formerly known as the land of S. and G. Case; thence westerly on a line to the north end of Sylvan Road; thence southerly to West Neck Road, to New York Avenue, to Grand Avenue, to Bay Avenue, to Bluff Avenue, to Prospect Road, to Serpentine Drive, to Stearns Point Road, to Prospect Avenue, to Rocky Point Avenue, to Nostrand Parkway, to West Neck Road, including the following lots and shoreward lot portions:
Suffolk County Tax Map No.
Now or formerly known as land of:
Pike (500 feet shoreward)
and from the land of Cyr to and including Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-13-2-42.6 now or formerly known as the land of Corbett and lots shoreward; thence southerly along Behringer Road to West Neck Road thence to Hillside Drive, to Valley Road, to Hilo Drive, to Burro Hall Lane, to Menantic Road, to Smith Street, to Cove Way, to Joy Drive, to South Midway Road, to Route 114, and including Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-23-1-29 now or formerly known as the land of Davis, and Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-23-1-30 now or formerly known as the land of Robb.
Thence from South Midway Road and Route 114 to North Cartwright Road, to Ram Island Road, to Gardiner's Bay Drive, including the following lots one lot westerly of Ram Island Road and Gardiner's Bay Drive from the northern lot of the minor subdivision of Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-8-2-25.12 now or formerly known as land of Holmes to the northerly line of Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-3-2-56, now or formerly known as land of MacFarlane, and excluding the following lots on Cartwright and Ram Island Roads:
Suffolk County Tax Map No.
Now or formerly known as land of:
Halama & Waldron
Fernandez & Hoffman
Thence from Gardiner's Bay Drive to Dinah Rock Road, to the easterly boundary of the Village of Dering Harbor, thence via the Village boundary to the shore.
The Causeway District shall comprise the following:
[Added 12-2-2011 by L.L. No. 8-2011]
Beginning at the northerly boundary of Gardiners Bay Drive and the northerly boundary of land owned by the County of Suffolk, which is Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-3-2-64.10, proceeding south along the easterly boundary of Gardiners Bay Drive, across the intersection of Ram Island Drive, and further south along the easterly boundary of Ram Island Road to the southerly corner of property owned by the Town of Shelter Island, which is Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-3-3-46, and proceeding easterly along the boundary of that property to the waters of Coecles Inlet; thence easterly along the waters of Coecles Inlet to the easterly line of a lot owned by Nancy Jaicks which is Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-4-1-10; thence northerly along that property to the intersection of that property with Ram Island Drive and crossing that road to the southerly intersection of property owned by the County of Suffolk which is Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-4-1-9 and along the easterly edge of that property to the waters of Gardiners Bay; thence westerly and northerly along the waters of Gardiners Bay to the intersection of the southerly line of Menhaden Lane with Gardiners Bay and westerly along land owned by the County of Suffolk, which is Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-3-2-64.10 and thence southerly and westerly along the edge of that parcel to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the westerly intersection of Ram Island Drive and land owned by the County of Suffolk, which is Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-9-2-36 and southerly to the waters of Coecles Inlet; thence easterly along the waters of Coecles Inlet to the easterly edge of property owned by the Town of Shelter Island known as Middle Har-Bay Road; thence northerly along the easterly edge of Middle Har-Bay Road to its northerly intersection with Gardiners Bay; thence westerly along the waters of Gardiners Bay to the westerly edge of land owned by the County of Suffolk, which is Suffolk County Tax Map No. 700-9-2-10; thence southerly along the westerly edge of this property until it meets Ram Island Drive, and proceeding south across the road to the point of beginning.