Establishment. Pursuant to Act 167, as amended, there is hereby created in the Borough an historic district to be known as the "Columbia Borough Historic District," which shall be referred to herein as the "historic district."
Boundaries: the limits and boundaries of the historic district as specifically designated by address in the Historic District Address List attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, and that shall be shown on the Historic District Map attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B.[1] Said Historic District Address List and Historic District Map are hereby adopted as a part of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Exhibits A and B are on file in the office of the Borough Clerk.
Location of Historic District Map. In addition to being placed in the Borough's ordinance book as a part of this chapter, a copy of the Historic District Map shall be located in the office of the Building Inspector who shall make it available for public inspection during the regular business hours of the Borough.
Certification: the process by which PHMC assures that the area delineated on the Historic District Map, defined by address in Exhibit A, meets the criteria set forth in Act 167, as amended.
Revisions. The boundaries of the historic district as delineated herein, shall not be changed (expanded or decreased) without recommendation from HARB, approval of Borough Council and certification by PHMC.