Nothing contained in this chapter shall limit or restrict the height of a church spire, belfry, clock tower, chimney flue or elevator bulkhead.
A communications antenna support structure, being any freestanding or guyed accessory structure used to support an antenna for the receipt and/or transmission of electromagnetic signals, including the antenna itself, may extend to a maximum height of 50 feet above ground level, provided that, unless it is attached to the roof of the principal structure, it is located in a rear yard not less than 20 feet from any lot line, is of a design and construction specification to meet commercially acceptable standards of safety and has a smooth, unclimbable insulated surface to a height of 10 feet or is protected against trespass by a six-foot-high chain link fence and locked gate. The height of a communications antenna support structure may be further extended upon approval and permit of the Board of Appeals granted in accordance with the preceding conditions and § 192-123A of this chapter.
General. Unless otherwise stated, a violation of this chapter shall be an offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $200 or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed 10 days, or both. Each day's continued violation shall constitute a separate, additional violation.
A violation of a condition imposed pursuant to this chapter shall be deemed a violation of this chapter and shall be an offense punishable pursuant to § 192-125.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 192-127, Sunset provision, was deleted effective 1-1-2011, after the Code changes provided for therein were implemented.