[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Union Vale 11-7-2002 by L.L. No. 5-2002 (Ch. 47 of the 1983 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 192.
Zoning — See Ch. 210.
It is hereby found and declared by the Town Board of the Town of Union Vale that agricultural lands are irreplaceable assets. To that end, the Town Board finds farming to be an essential activity within the Town that greatly contributes to the economic viability of the Town. Farming also reinforces the special quality of life enjoyed by the Town's residents, provides the visual benefit of open space and generates economic benefits and social well-being within the community. Therefore, the Town Board emphasizes to both the Town's current residents and prospective newcomers to the Town that it is the policy of this Town to conserve, protect and encourage the development and improvement of agricultural land for both the production of food and other products and also for its natural and ecological value.
Furthermore, the Town Board hereby supports those farmers, as well as all those employed, retained or otherwise authorized to act on behalf of farmers, in their efforts to lawfully and responsibly engage in the time-honored profession of farming. The Town Board hereby expresses its support of the enactment by the State Legislature of Chapter 797 of the Laws of 1992 of the State of New York which, among other things, added a new section to the Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York by establishing for the first time a statutory right to farm by prohibiting the commencement of private nuisance suits against farmers who engage in sound agricultural practices.[1]
Editor's Note: Chapter 797 of the Laws of 1992 added the following sections to the Agriculture and Markets Law: §§ 304-b, 308, 310, and 321 to 326.
The Town Board, in an effort to promote and foster a harmonious relationship between the residents of the Town and those who contemplate purchasing land within the Town of Union Vale and to conserve, protect and encourage the development and improvement of agricultural land for the production of food and other products, hereby declares that it shall be the policy of this Town to provide reasonable notice to prospective landowners that farming activities may occur on neighboring lands.
Upon the submission of a preliminary residential subdivision plat or a multifamily site plan to the Planning Board of the Town of Union Vale, pursuant to Article 16 of the Town Law of the State of New York, the applicant, in addition to any other requirement, shall submit a separate statement, known as an "Agricultural Data Statement," stating whether the boundaries of the proposed residential subdivision or multifamily dwelling are to be located partially or wholly or within 500 feet of either a Certified Agricultural District or land for which an individual commitment has been received pursuant to §§ 305 and 306 of the Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York. Said Agricultural Data Statement shall be distributed by the Planning Board in the manner provided under § 283 of the Town Law.
Should any proposed subdivision of multifamily dwelling be located partially, wholly or within 500 feet of either a Certified Agricultural District or land for which an individual commitment has been received pursuant to §§ 305 and 306 of the Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York, then the following notice shall conspicuously placed on either the final subdivision plat or final site plan by the licensed professional responsible for the preparation thereof:
It is the policy of the Town of Union Vale to conserve, protect and encourage the development and improvement of agricultural land for the production of food and other products and also for its natural and ecological value. This notice is to inform the prospective grantee that the property he or she is about to acquire lies partially, wholly or within 500 feet of either a Certified Agricultural District or land for which an individual commitment has been received pursuant to §§ 305 and 306 of the Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York and that farming activities to the extent defined by the term "agriculture" under said Agricultural and Markets Law may occur on such property. Such farming activities may include but not be limited to activities that cause noise, dust and odors.
In addition to the requirements of Subsection B, the Planning Board shall also require as a condition of final subdivision plat or site plan approval that, prior to the initial sale, purchase or exchange of any real property within any such residential subdivision or multifamily dwelling, the grantee shall also deliver to the prospective grantor a keyboard written document containing the notice set forth in Subsection B. Further, the grantor shall incorporate said notice in any deed wherein title to any such property is to be initially conveyed to a grantee.