[Adopted 7-1-1996 by Ord. No. LXX]
A lock box containing keys for Fire Department access shall be provided for any building to be constructed or substantially renovated of more than 10,000 square feet in aggregate gross floor area that contains a fire alarm signaling system that has a signal notification to alert the local Fire Department to respond by transmitting an automatic alarm to the Fire Department by any means.
Exceptions. Exceptions shall be as follows:
Where an occupancy has on-site twenty-four-hour guard service or is operating on a manned twenty-four-hour operational cycle.
Where the Fire Department in whose jurisdiction the occupancy is located indicates in writing to the State Fire Marshal that the lock box system is not necessary.
The lock box shall be listed or approved by the State Fire Marshal for the intended use and installed in such a manner that the Millsboro Fire Company, Inc., will have access to the box.