[Adopted 11-1-2004]
The Mayor may declare by executive order, or the Town Council may declare by resolution or motion, a state of water emergency when it appears to the Mayor or the Town Council that the Town's water sources are incapable of producing sufficient water to meet all the needs of the Town's water users.
During a declared water emergency, water service may be interrupted in any or all parts of the Town in order to effect repairs, provide water for fire fighting or for any other good cause. Upon the expiration of the emergency, water service shall be restored without charge.
Upon such a declaration, and for the duration of the stated water emergency, it shall be unlawful to use the Town of Millsboro municipal water supply for outside irrigation, water, sprinkler or other uses, except as provided by Subsection D below.
The declaration of a state of water emergency shall specify outside watering and irrigation schedules and may specify other water conservation measures appropriate to the circumstances of the emergency.
Violations of this § 206-25 are infractions punishable by a fine but not imprisonment. Violators shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $500 and shall pay the costs of prosecution and the appropriate Victims' Compensation Fund assessment. The owner or tenant of the property cited for illegal watering or irrigation or usage under this section may have the option to pay a penalty in the amount set forth by resolution and, if the allegations in the citation are not contested, may forfeit the penalty in lieu of trying the charges. Penalties and/or fines shall be paid to the Town of Millsboro by cash or check to the Town's post office box, which shall be stated on all citations or at the Town Hall. Unpaid, uncontested penalties and/or fines may be debited against the municipal account of the party cited and will be subject to collection pursuant to Town water bill collection policies.