[Amended 4-8-2008 by Ord. No. 418; 4-12-2016 by Ord. No. 455; 9-13-2022 by Ord. No. 477]
Purpose. The intent of this article is to provide comprehensive and balanced sign regulations that will preserve the right of free speech and expression; avoid excessive levels of visual clutter or distraction that are potentially harmful to traffic and pedestrian safety, property values, business opportunities, and community appearance; and ensure that signs are well-constructed and maintained and expressive of the identity of individual activities and the community.
A sign erected, altered, or maintained after the effective date of this article must conform to the regulations specified in this article.
Existing nonconforming signs.
A sign lawfully existing at the time of the adoption or amendment of this chapter may be continued although the size or location does not conform with this chapter. This sign is a nonconforming use or structure, and the nonconforming use and structure provisions of this chapter apply. Maintenance of a nonconforming sign must comply with § 180-86C.
Any large off-premises sign that is damaged or destroyed by more than 51% of its replacement value at the time of damage or destruction shall be reconstructed only in compliance with all provisions of this article.
A person who displays a sign in compliance with this article may substitute the message on that sign without first securing additional approval, permitting, or notice, unless the substitution would result in the sign becoming noncompliant.
Any ambiguity in this article should be resolved in favor of allowing the display of a proposed sign.
Nothing in this article is intended to prevent the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of a nonconforming sign for purposes of the public health and safety.
The signs in this section do not require a sign permit, are not counted against the maximum sign allotment for a particular property, and are not subject to other restrictions in the sign code, except the prohibited sign section (§ 180-85). These exempted signs are:
All signs posted by the Borough or a county, state, or federal agency.
Street addresses and numbers.
All temporary signs, subject to the following:
The sign and sign structure must be kept in good repair throughout the duration of the temporary period the sign is posted.
In residential zoning districts, the maximum sign area for temporary sign is 12 square feet.
In nonresidential zoning districts, the maximum sign area for temporary sign is 40 square feet.
Temporary signs in the right-of-way.
A-frame signs may be erected in the right-of-way on public sidewalks provided:
A-frame signs must not exceed four square feet for each sign face.
An establishment may display one A-frame sign on each sidewalk that it abuts.
An unobstructed pedestrian passageway of at least five feet is maintained around any A-frame sign on a sidewalk.
There is no quantity limit on A-frame signs erected on private property.
An A-frame sign may only be displayed during the establishment's hours of operation.
Temporary signs may be erected in the right-of-way on utility poles, traffic medians, and along roads and sidewalks subject to the following conditions:
Signs must be under two square feet and may only be displayed for up to 30 days.
The signs must clearly indicate the date of their posting.
The signs are subject to removal without notice after their time limit has lapsed or if they otherwise fail to indicate the date of their posting.
The signs are not permitted to be placed on property containing government buildings or in public parks. Nothing in this provision, however, should be construed as prohibiting the government from placing its own signs on its own property.
An individual or business that has its signs removed on three separate occasions for violations of this exemption may be fined a fee, as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council, for each subsequent sign that is illegally in the public right-of-way.
All flags, subject to the following:
Agricultural zoning districts.
Flagpoles must not exceed 30 feet in height, as measured from the ground.
Two flags are permitted per flagpole.
Only one flagpole is permitted per lot.
Residential zoning districts.
Flags must not exceed 45 square feet in area.
Flagpoles must not exceed 30 feet in height, as measured from the ground.
Two flags are permitted per flagpole.
Only one flagpole is permitted per lot.
Nonresidential zoning districts.
Flagpoles must not exceed 30 feet in height, as measured from the ground.
Up to two flags are permitted per flagpole.
Only one flagpole is permitted per lot.
Flagpoles may be erected vertically or may be attached to buildings horizontally or at an angle.
All inflatable signs, subject to the following:
Inflatable signs must be safely attached to the ground or a building.
An unobstructed pedestrian passageway of at least five feet is maintained around any inflatable sign on a sidewalk.
All lightweight signs, decals, stickers, or paint placed on vehicles, with the permission of the vehicle owner.
All murals, subject to the following:
Murals may include graphics, design, or text.
Murals are permitted on buildings in nonresidential zoning districts with permission from the building owner.
The following are prohibited:
A sign which is structurally unsafe, unsafely installed, or otherwise hazardous to physical safety.
A sign that obstructs free ingress to or egress from a fire escape, door, window, or other required access way to or from a building or site.
A sign not maintained in good condition.
A sign that blocks a driver's clear line of sight of traffic or pedestrians.
A sign that interferes with the view of, or is confused with, a traffic control sign or device, and a sign that misleads or confuses traffic flow. A sign's position, size, shape, color, and illumination, but not its content, must be considered when making this determination.
A sign with material depicting, describing, or relating to nudity or sexual conduct, as defined herein.
A sign nailed, fastened, or affixed to a tree.
A sign located on private property against the wishes of the property owner.
A sign that otherwise violates this article.
Enforcement against prohibited signs.
If, upon inspection, the sign inspector determines that a sign violates this section, the sign inspector should give notice to the sign owner specifically stating the nature of the violation and requiring them to repair, remove, or modify the sign within 30 business days after receipt of notice.
In cases of emergency, meaning cases where a sign presents an imminent hazard to public safety, the sign inspector may cause the immediate removal of a dangerous or defective sign, at the owner's expense.
Before installation, all signs not otherwise exempted from the permit requirement (§ 180-84) must obtain a permit according to the permitting procedures of § 180-114.
If a sign lacks the required permit but is otherwise in compliance under this article, the sign's continued display may be allowed provided the sign owner applies for a permit within seven business days.
In addition to the signs exempted from the permitting requirements in § 180-84, permits are not required for the following:
Changing sign content.
The customary maintenance of a sign.
Signs and sign structures must maintain clearance and noninterference with all surface and underground utility and communications lines or equipment.
Sign materials and construction.
A sign must be constructed of durable materials, using noncorrosive fastenings.
A sign must be structurally safe and erected or installed in strict accordance with the PCC.
A sign must always be maintained in safe condition and good repair with all sign information clearly legible.
Sign area.
Where the sign consists of individual letters, designs, or symbols attached to a building, awning, wall, or window, the sign area is the smallest rectangle which encompasses all the letters, designs, and symbols.
Multifaceted signs. In computing the square foot area of a double-faced sign, all sides must be considered in calculating the sign area, except for large off-premises signs where each sign face is calculated separately.
Multidimensional signs. For signs that consist of, or have attached to them, one or more three-dimensional or irregularly shaped objects, the sign area is the sum of two adjacent vertical sign faces of the smallest cube encompassing the sign or object.
If elements of a sign are movable or flexible, such as a flag, the measurement is taken when the elements are fully extended and parallel to the plane of view.
The permitted maximum sign area for all signs is determined by the sign type and its location.
Signs may be illuminated provided they comply with this article.
Uncovered light bulbs are prohibited.
Signs, other than public traffic control signs, must have no elements that are flashing, blinking, rotating, or pulsating.
Digital display signs are not considered flashing or pulsating signs, provided they comply with this article.
The light output of any illuminated sign must not measure more than 0.2 footcandle at the boundary of an abutting property.
Hours of operation.
Signs in nonresidential zoning districts may be illuminated from 5:00 a.m. until 12:00 midnight, except that on-premises signs may remain illuminated until 1/2 hour past the close of business if this is later than 12:00 midnight.
Signs must have an automatic timer to comply with the permitted hours of operation.
Message duration.
Transitions from one message to another message must appear instantaneous as perceived by the human eye.
Between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., the minimum length of time each message may be displayed on a digital display sign or tri-vision board sign is three seconds.
Between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., a digital display sign or tri-vision board sign must maintain a single position with a static display.
Types of illumination.
External. Externally illuminated signs are subject to the following regulations:
The source of the light must be concealed by translucent covers.
External illumination must be by a steady, stationary light source, shielded and directed solely at the sign. The light source must be static in color.
Internal. Internally illuminated signs are subject to the following regulations:
Internal illumination, including neon lighting, must be static in intensity and color.
Digital display signs are permitted in accordance with the regulations contained in Subsection E(9).
Digital display signs are subject to the following regulations in addition to all other requirements established in this article.
Sign type. Digital display signs are permitted in the form of freestanding signs and wall signs in accordance with the regulations established under §§ 180-87 and 180-88.
Maximum number per property. Where permitted, one digital display sign is permitted per property.
Message display.
A digital display sign containing animation, streaming video, or text or images which flash, pulsate, move, or scroll is prohibited.
Each complete message must fit on one screen.
One message or display may be brighter than another, but each message or display must be static in intensity.
The content of a digital display sign must transition by changing instantly, with no transition graphics (e.g., no fade-out or fade-in).
Default design. The sign must contain a default design which must freeze the sign message in one position if a malfunction should occur.
Conversion of a permitted nondigital sign to a digital display sign requires the issuance of a sign permit following the procedures of § 180-114.
The addition of a digital display to a nonconforming sign is prohibited.
Public service announcements. The owner of a digital display sign must coordinate with the local authorities to display, when appropriate, emergency information important to the traveling public including Amber Alerts or alerts concerning terrorist attacks or natural disasters. Emergency information messages must remain in the advertising rotation according to the protocols of the agency that issues the information.
Electrical standards.
Permits for illuminated signs will not be issued without an approved electrical permit, if required. Applications for electrical permits must be filed at the same time as the sign permit application.
All work must be completed in full compliance with the Borough's Electrical Code as set forth in the PCC.
The electrical supply to all signs, whether to the sign itself or to lighting fixtures positioned to illuminate the sign, must be provided by means of concealed electrical cables. Electrical supply to freestanding signs must be provided by means of underground cables.
The owner of an illuminated sign must arrange for a certification showing compliance with the brightness standards of this article by an independent contractor and provide the certification documentation to the Borough prior to the issuance of a sign permit.
Glare control. Glare control must be achieved primarily by such means as cutoff fixtures, shields, and baffles, and the appropriate application of fixture mounting height, wattage, aiming angle, and fixture placement. Vegetation screens do not qualify as the primary means for controlling glare.
Landscaping. All permanent freestanding signs must be set in a landscaped base. The base must be of appropriate size to contain flowers, groundcover, ornamental grasses, shrubs, or other base plantings that will enhance and complement the sign. The landscape area must be at least six feet wide with a length of at least 1.5 times the overall length of the sign face or sign structure, whichever is longer.
In agricultural and residential zoning districts.
R1, R2, R3, PRD
1. Freestanding signs
a. Number permitted
2 signs per lot
(1) On lots less than 1 acre, a maximum of 4 signs are permitted per lot
(2) On lots 1 acre or more, 6 signs are permitted for the first acre with 2 additional signs for every additional acre
b. Maximum area per sign
20 square feet
24 square feet
c. Maximum area per lot
40 square feet
(1) On lots less than 1 acre, a maximum aggregate sign area of 16 sq. ft. is permitted per lot
(2) On lots 1 acre or more, a maximum aggregate sign area of 24 sq. ft. is permitted for the first acre with 8 additional sq. ft. for every additional 1 acre
d. Maximum height of sign
6 feet
6 feet
e. Sign clearance
(1) For ground signs, 1.5 feet maximum
(2) For pole signs, 14 feet minimum if vehicular traffic circulates underneath, otherwise 8 feet minimum
(3) For monument signs, 8 feet minimum
(1) For ground signs, 1.5 feet maximum
(2) For pole signs, 14 feet minimum if vehicular traffic circulates underneath, otherwise 8 feet minimum
(3) For monument signs, 8 feet minimum
f. Setback
10 feet from the front lot line
10 feet from the front lot line
g. Illumination
Internal illumination is permitted
External and internal illumination is permitted
h. Luminance
5,000 nits
(1) Between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., a maximum of 5,000 nits is permitted
(2) Between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., a maximum of 250 nits is permitted
i. Sign structure
i. 9-foot length maximum
ii. 9-foot width maximum
iii. 2 1/2-foot depth maximum
2. Wall signs
a. Number permitted
1 sign per lot
(1) On lots less than 1 acre, a maximum of 4 signs are permitted per lot
(2) On lots 1 acre or more, 6 signs are permitted for the first acre with 2 additional signs for every additional acre
b. Maximum area per sign
12 square feet
24 square feet
c. Maximum sign area per lot
12 square feet
(1) On lots less than 1 acre, a maximum aggregate sign area of 16 square feet is permitted per lot
(2) On lots 1 acre or more, a maximum aggregate sign area of 24 square feet is permitted for the first acre with 8 additional square feet for every additional 1 acre
d. Illumination
External and internal illumination is permitted
External and internal illumination is permitted
e. Luminance
5,000 nits
(1) Between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., a maximum of 5,000 nits is permitted
(2) Between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., a maximum of 250 nits is permitted
In nonresidential zoning districts.
1. Signs under 4 square feet in area
a. Number permitted
(1) On lots less than 1 acre, 4 signs maximum
(2) On lots 1 acre or more, a maximum of 6 signs is permitted for the first acre, with 2 additional signs permitted for each additional acre
(1) On lots less than 1 acre, 4 signs maximum
(2) On lots 1 acre or more, a maximum of 6 signs is permitted for the first acre, with 2 additional signs permitted for each additional acre
b. Illumination
Signs must be either nonilluminated or externally illuminated
Signs must be either nonilluminated or externally illuminated
3. Freestanding sign
a. Number permitted
1 sign per property
1 sign per property
b. Type permitted
Ground, pole, or monument-style permitted
Ground, pole, or monument-style permitted
c. Maximum area per sign
(1) For ground and pole signs, 32 square feet
(2) For monument signs on lots of less than 5 acres, 150 square feet
(3) For monument signs on lots of at least 5 acres, 400 square feet
(1) For ground and pole signs, 64 square feet
(2) For monument signs, 150 square feet
d. Maximum height of sign
(1) For ground signs, 8 feet
(2) For pole signs, 25 feet
(3) For monument signs on lots of less than 5 acres, 25 feet
(4) For monument signs on lots of at least 5 acres, 50 feet
(1) For ground signs, 8 feet
(2) For pole signs, 25 feet
(3) For monument signs, 25 feet
e. Sign clearance
(1) For ground signs, 1.5 feet maximum
(2) For pole signs, 14 feet minimum if vehicular traffic circulates underneath, otherwise 8 feet minimum
(3) For monument signs, 8 feet minimum
(1) For ground signs, 1.5 feet maximum
(2) For pole signs, 14 feet minimum if vehicular traffic circulates underneath, otherwise 8 feet minimum
(3) For monument signs, 8 feet minimum
f. Setback
15 feet
15 feet
g. Illumination
External and internal illumination is permitted
External and internal illumination is permitted
h. Luminance
5,000 nits
5,000 nits
4. Wall sign
a. Maximum area per sign
24 square feet
24 square feet
b. Maximum sign area per lot
(1) On lots of less than 5 acres, 30 square feet
(2) On lots of at least 5 acres, 200 square feet
100 square feet
6. Roof signs are prohibited
7. Canopy sign
a. Number permitted
(1) On lots less than 1 acre, a maximum of 4 signs are permitted per lot
(2) On lots 1 acre or more, 6 signs are permitted for the first acre with 2 additional signs for every additional acre
(1) On lots less than 1 acre, a maximum of 4 signs are permitted per lot
(2) On lots 1 acre or more, 6 signs are permitted for the first acre with 2 additional signs for every additional acre
b. Sign clearance
8 feet
8 feet
c. Illumination
d. Letter height
6 inches maximum
6 inches maximum
7. Arcade sign
a. Number permitted
(1) On lots less than 1 acre, a maximum of 4 signs are permitted per lot
(2) On lots 1 acre or more, 6 signs are permitted for the first acre with 2 additional signs for every additional acre
(1) On lots less than 1 acre, a maximum of 4 signs are permitted per lot
(2) On lots 1 acre or more, 6 signs are permitted for the first acre with 2 additional signs for every additional acre
b. Maximum area per sign
8 square feet
8 square feet
c. Sign clearance
8 feet minimum
8 feet minimum
d. Illumination
Signs must be either nonilluminated or externally illuminated
Signs must be either nonilluminated or externally illuminated
In agricultural zoning districts. Except as otherwise permitted in § 180-84, off-premises signs are prohibited in agricultural zoning districts.
In residential zoning districts. Except as otherwise permitted in § 180-84, off-premises signs are prohibited in residential zoning districts.
In nonresidential zoning districts.
Approval path.
Regular off-premises signs are permitted by right provided the requirements of this article are met.
Large off-premises signs are permitted as a conditional use provided the requirements of this article are met.
Dimensional standards.
C1 & I
a. Regular off-premises signs
(1) Number permitted
1 sign per property
(2) Types permitted
Only freestanding signs permitted
(3) Maximum area per sign
60 square feet
(4) Maximum height of sign
i. For pole and monument signs, 35 feet
ii. For ground signs, 8 feet
(5) Illumination
External and internal illumination is permitted
(6) Luminance
5,000 nits
(7) Sign clearance
i. For ground signs 1.5 feet maximum
ii. For pole signs, 14 feet minimum if vehicular traffic circulates underneath, otherwise 8 feet minimum
iii. For monument signs, 8 feet minimum
(8) Setback
10 feet
b. Large off-premises signs
All measurements are taken from the center point of the sign
(1) Location
i. These standards apply to off-premises signs located within 400 feet of the center line of limited-access federal highways
ii. These signs are not permitted within 500 feet of any R-A, R-1, R-2, or R-3 Zoning District; any school, church, or cemetery; or any interchange or safety rest area
iii. These signs are not permitted over a sidewalk or right-of-way
(2) Types permitted
Only freestanding signs permitted
(3) Maximum area per sign
750 square feet per sign face and up to 2 sign faces permitted placed back-to-back or in a V-shape with an internal angle of less than 90 degrees
(4) Maximum height of sign
40 feet
(5) Sign length
32 feet minimum and 48 feet maximum
(6) Sign separation
1,000 feet
(7) Illumination
External and internal illumination is permitted
(8) Luminance
5,000 nits
(9) Setback
i. 15 feet from the right-of-way of the limited-access federal highway
ii. The principal structure setbacks of the zoning district apply to all other property lines
(10) Additional standards
These signs are subject to the regulations of § 180-88C(2) through (6)
Construction standards. Large off-premises signs must be constructed in accordance with applicable provisions of the Uniform Construction Code (UCC), as now or hereafter amended, and must meet all of the following additional requirements:
The sign structure must have a maximum of one vertical support being a maximum of three feet in diameter or width and without additional bracing or vertical supports.
The sign face must be independently supported and have vertical supports of metal that are galvanized or constructed of approved corrosive-resistant, noncombustible materials. Structures constructed with galvanized metal must be painted.
The one vertical support must be capable of enabling the entire sign face to be able to withstand a minimum 100 mph wind load. Structural design computations must be made and certified by a registered engineer and must be submitted to the Borough with the application for conditional use.
The sign base must be installed using a foundation and footings approved by the Borough Engineer for the type of construction proposed.
The entire base of the sign structure parallel to the sign face must be permanently landscaped with suitable shrubbery or bushes of a minimum height of three feet placed in such manner as to screen the foundation of the structure.
Landscaping must be maintained by the sign owner in an attractive and healthy manner in accordance with accepted conservation practices.
No bare cuts are permitted on a hillside.
All cuts or fills must be permanently seeded or planted.
An illuminated sign must be constructed so that it does not glare upon adjoining property and must not exceed a maximum of 1.0 footcandle upon the adjoining property.
Maintenance standards.
The sign structure must be entirely painted every three years, unless constructed of an approved corrosive-resistant material.
Every 10 years, the owner of the sign must have a structural inspection made of the sign by a qualified Pennsylvania-registered engineer and must provide to the Borough a written report and certification from that engineer certifying that the sign is structurally sound.
Annual visual inspections of the sign may be conducted by the Borough to determine continuing compliance with this chapter. Upon such inspection the owner must pay an annual inspection fee, as established from time to time, by resolution of Borough Council.
Signs found to be in violation of this chapter must be brought into compliance or removed within 30 days upon proper notification by the Borough issued in accordance with § 180-109B of this chapter.
Signs using removable paper or other materials must be maintained in such condition as to eliminate loose or frayed material protruding or hanging from the structure. All paper and other waste materials must be removed from the site and disposed of properly whenever any sign face is changed.
Liability insurance. The applicant for a sign permit to erect a large off-premises sign must provide a certificate of insurance for public liability and property damage that holds the Borough harmless in an amount no less than $500,000 or as may be adjusted, from time to time, by resolution of Borough Council. The insurance certificate must contain a clause stating that the insurance must not be canceled or reduced without first giving 10 days' notice to the Borough.
Large off-premises sign permit application process. In addition to the requirements for a sign permit of § 180-114, the following must be met.
Prior to submission of an application for a sign permit the applicant for a large off-premises sign must obtain, and submit with the application, approvals from the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), when applicable.
Approval of the conditional use shall be valid for six months from the date of action by Borough Council granting the conditional use. If the applicant fails to obtain a sign permit for the approved large off-premises sign within the six-month period, approval of the conditional use will expire automatically, without written notice to the applicant.
The issuance of a sign permit for a large off-premises sign that has been granted approval of a conditional use must be conditioned upon the approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (Penn DOT) for signs proposed to be located along state highways. If the applicant fails to submit evidence of the required approval by Penn DOT within 30 days of the issuance of the conditional sign permit, the sign permit will be revoked by the Borough Zoning Officer, who will provide written notice to the applicant.
The applicant may reapply for the required sign permit, upon submission of evidence of Penn DOT approval, without payment of any additional sign permit fee, provided the application is filed within the six-month period during which the conditional use approval is valid.