[HISTORY: Adopted by the Representative Town Meeting of the Town of Fairfield 2-27-1984. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Harbor Management Area — See Ch. 24, § 24-14B.
Leasing of offshore shellfish grounds — See Ch. 35, § 35-7J.
[Amended 1-27-1997]
The Town of Fairfield establishes a Shellfish Commission as provided for in Section 26-257a of the Connecticut General Statutes, consisting of seven members who shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen and who shall each serve for a five-year term or until their successors are appointed, except that commencing with the 1996 year, two of the initial members shall be appointed for terms to expire in November 1999, and two of the initial members shall be appointed for terms to expire in November 2000; and commencing with the 1997 year, two of the remaining initial members shall be appointed for terms to expire in November 2001, and the one remaining initial member shall be appointed for a term to expire in November 2002.