All subdivisions shall be so designed to conform to the General Development Plan, the specification standards of the City Engineer, Chapter 770, Zoning, the Subdivision Ordinance, and any and all standards and requirements for the development and improvement of the City of Royal Oak which have been adopted or approved by the City Commission, and to the Public Acts of the State of Michigan.
Streets shall conform to at least all minimum requirements of the general specifications and typical cross sections as set forth by the City Engineer and other conditions set forth by the City of Royal Oak.
Street construction and dedication. All streets will be dedicated to the City of Royal Oak and shall be built to City specifications under direct City inspection and this chapter. Construction and inspection shall be at the expense of the developer. Street construction shall include adequate storm drainage.
Lots within subdivisions shall conform to the following standard:
Side lot lines shall be at right angles or radial to the street lines except where some variation is necessary to preserve natural features. Dogleg side lot lines shall be prohibited.
Easements within subdivisions shall conform to the following standards:
Recommendations on the proposed layout of all utility easements, such as telephone and electric company easements, should be sought from all of the utility companies serving the area. It shall be the responsibility of the proprietor to submit copies of the preliminary plat to all appropriate public utility agencies.
All power and communication facilities shall be constructed in accordance with standards of construction approved by the Michigan Public Service Commission.
Easements three feet in width shall be provided where needed along side lot lines so as to provide for streetlight dropouts. Prior to the approval of the final plat for a proposed subdivision, a statement shall be obtained from the appropriate public utility indicating that easements have been provided along specific lots. A notation shall be made on the final plat indicating: "The side lot lines between lots (indicating lot numbers) are subject to streetlight dropout rights granted to the (name of utility company)."
Easements needed for storm drainage, sanitary sewers and water mains shall be determined by the City Engineer and shall meet the requirements of the City Engineer.