No person shall discharge hauled wastewater (septage or industrial waste) into the POTW's treatment plant without a valid DEC permit issued under 6 NYCRR Part 364 and a wastewater discharge permit issued by the POTW. Before discharging a load of hauled wastewater into the treatment plant, the hauler shall provide the POTW with a list of persons and facilities from which the hauler picked up wastewater for that load, a statement of the volume and nature of the wastewater, and any other information requested by the Chief Operator.
The Chief Operator may require generators of hauled industrial waste located within or outside the municipalities to obtain a wastewater discharge permit issued by the POTW and/or to enter into a contract with the POTW or its owners for the acceptance of the hauled industrial waste. Generators of hauled industrial waste must comply with all other requirements of this chapter.
No person shall discharge into the POTW's treatment plant any hauled wastewater containing hazardous wastes. The Chief Operator has the discretion to refuse to accept any hauled wastewater load based on the type, concentration, or quantity of pollutants, or on the capability or capacity of the POTW to treat the wastewater. All hauled wastewater discharges must comply with all pretreatment standards and pretreatment requirements.
No person may discharge hauled wastewater to any locations except those on the POTW treatment plant site designated by the POTW as hauled wastewater receiving stations, or those locations off the treatment plant site at which the POTW has given the hauler specific permission to discharge. The Chief Operator also may restrict hauled wastewater discharges to certain times, to certain days of the week, or to certain seasons of the year.
Each discharge of hauled wastewater shall be made only with the approval of the Chief Operator. The wastewater hauler shall contact the POTW to obtain permission to discharge hauled wastewater containing materials other than sanitary sewage prior to delivering the wastewater load to the POTW. The Chief Operator may require inspection, sampling, and analysis of each load of hauled wastewater prior to the discharge of the load. Any costs associated with such inspection, sampling, and analysis shall be paid by the wastewater hauler.
The POTW shall bill wastewater haulers and/or wastewater generators for dumping fees associated with the discharge of hauled wastewater, pursuant to a schedule of rates as set by the Special Joint Committee or municipalities. Notwithstanding the foregoing, unless and until Tompkins County conveys ownership of its hauled wastewater receiving station to the municipalities, the POTW shall bill Tompkins County for all discharges of septage and grease. All dumping fees shall include a fee for the cost of solids disposal.