As used in this chapter, unless the context
or subject matter requires otherwise, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:
The Planning and Development Board of the City of Ithaca,
New York.
The City Engineer of the City of Ithaca, New York, unless
otherwise specified.
Improvements to the land to be subdivided that are necessary
to provide the basis for final development and operation of the subdivision
considered as a whole. Such improvements include but are not limited
to streets, sidewalks, gutters and curbs, water mains, storm and sanitary
sewer mains, drainage ways, streetlighting facilities and other public
and private utility structures and facilities and may include amenity
features, such as street trees within street rights-of-way. Improvements
to individual parcels in a subdivision are not considered infrastructure
for the purpose of this chapter.
Any conveyance of real property between adjacent landowners
which does not result in additional buildable lot(s) nor create a
zoning deficiency in either lot. A lot line adjustment is not considered
a subdivision for purposes of this chapter.
Any subdivision of land resulting in creation of a maximum
of one additional buildable lot.
Any subdivision of land resulting in creation of two or more
additional buildable lots.
A comprehensive plan prepared by or under the authority of
the Planning and Development Board, pursuant to § 28-a of
the General City Law, showing the general locations recommended for
various classes of public works, structures, streets and open places
and for the general physical development of the city, and includes
any unit or part of such plan separately adopted and any amendment
to such plan or parts thereof.
The map established by action of the Common Council under
the authority of §§ 26 and 29 of the General City Law,
showing the streets, other trafficway and parks or other public spaces
laid out, adopted and established by law and adopted by the Common
Council or additions thereto resulting from the approval of subdivision
plats by the Planning and Development Board and the subsequent filing
of such approved plats.
A map, drawing or chart on which the subdivider's plan of
subdivision is presented to the Planning and Development Board.
The general plan of a subdivision, either designated as such
at the election of the subdivider or deemed preliminary by the Planning
Board as a result of conditional approval of a subdivision plat.
A way for vehicular traffic or a public thoroughfare, recognized
or intended to be recognized as such by the Board of Public Works
of the city.
COLLECTOR STREET or FEEDER STREETOne which carries traffic from minor to major streets, or vice versa, including the principal entrance streets of a residential development and streets for circulation within such development.
MINOR STREET- One used primarily for access to the abutting properties.
MARGINAL ACCESS STREETA minor street parallel and adjacent to an arterial street or highway, providing access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic.
ALLEYA minor way used primarily for vehicular service to the back or side of properties otherwise abutting on a street.
The owner of the parcel seeking subdivision approval.
The division of a parcel of land into two or more lots or
parcels for the purpose of sale or for building development or, if
one or more new streets are involved, any division of a parcel of
land, provided that a division of land for agricultural purposes into
lots or parcels of five acres or more and not involving a new street
shall not be deemed a subdivision. The term includes resubdivision
and may refer either to the process of subdividing or to the land
subdivided. Subdivision does not include lot line adjustments as defined
in this chapter.
The map or chart that is presented to the Planning and Development
Board for approval and which, if approved, will be submitted to the
County Clerk for recording.
[Amended 6-5-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-15]
A. The Planning and Development Board shall have the authority to implement the provisions of this chapter pertaining to subdivisions and Article
IV of Chapter
325, Zoning, of the City of Ithaca Municipal Code.
B. The Director of Planning and Development or his/her
designee shall have the authority to implement the provisions of this
chapter pertaining to lot line adjustments.