The subdivider shall observe the general requirements and design standards for land subdivision set out in this article.
In general, the proposed subdivision shall conform to the Official Map and to the Master Plan, insofar as such exist.
Street layout. The street layout in the subdivision shall, where appropriate, provide for the continuation or projection of existing principal streets in neighboring areas or shall conform to a plan for the neighborhood approved or adopted by the Planning and Development Board to meet a particular situation where topographical or other conditions make continuance impracticable. Minor streets shall be so laid out that their use by through traffic will be discouraged.
Street widths. Street widths shall, in general, be as noted on the Master Plan, where such information exists. Otherwise the following schedule shall govern, provided that where topographical conditions make such widths impracticable, each case may be separately considered on its merits:
Arterial streets: not less than 80 feet wide.
Other major streets, including collector or feeder streets: 60 feet.
Minor streets: 50 feet.
Dead-end or cul-de-sac streets: 50 feet wide on approach, diameter of turnaround at least 100 feet for right-of-way and at least 80 feet for outer curb. Where topography makes this impracticable, a corresponding back-around provision may be made, suitable for all predictable traffic use. The overall length of any dead-end street shall be not more than 500 feet.
Extensions of existing streets. Where existing streets are continued, such extensions shall be accomplished without offsets, abrupt curves or objectionable changes in gradient.
Street jogs. Street jogs shall have center-line offsets of at least 125 feet.
Reverse curves. Reverse curves in major streets shall be connected by tangents at least 100 feet long.
Deflection of street lines; connection. Street lines within a block deflecting from each other at any point more than 10° shall be connected by a curve, the radius of which for the inner street lines shall be not less than 350 feet on main thoroughfares or collector or feeder streets, 250 feet on minor streets with natural grades nowhere greater than 6% and 100 feet on local streets. The outer street line in each case shall be parallel to such inner street line.
Street intersections.
Generally. Streets shall be so laid out as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles, and no two streets shall intersect at an angle sharper than 60°. Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with a radius of at least 20 feet, or comparable chords may be used.
Required sight distance. Intersections shall be so planned and graded that a clear view exists across the corner property from a vehicle 75 feet from the center of the intersection on one street to another vehicle the same distance from the intersection on the other street and 100 feet in the case of a major street. A corresponding sight distance shall be observed on curves on all major streets, and up to this line of sight the subdivider shall permit no obstruction to view.
Street grades. Street grades shall, in general, be not more than 6% in the case of major or through streets or 10% in the case of minor or local streets, and no street shall have a longitudinal grade of less than 0.5%. Where exceptional topographic conditions prevail, all these standards shall be subject to special study and recommendation by the Planning and Development Board.
Street cross sections. In relatively flat natural slopes, the average cross section of the right-of-way shall be symmetrical. On steeper grades, the paved strip and the respective sidewalks and planting strips shall be so planned, as far as practicable and consistent with the longitudinal design, as to harmonize with the natural slope of the land and to minimize the required cut and fill.
Separation of through and local traffic. Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial street, the Planning and Development Board may require marginal access streets or such other treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through and local traffic.
Railroad rights-of-way. Where a subdivision borders on or contains a railroad right-of-way, the Planning and Development Board shall take comparable precautions, and any streets parallel to the railroad shall be laid out at suitable distance therefrom to accommodate suitable approach grades and future grade separations.
Lengths. Block lengths shall not, in general, exceed 1,200 feet and, when longer than 800 feet, shall be divided across the block by an approved pedestrian way at least 10 feet wide.
Widths. Block widths shall, in general, provide for two lots back-to-back and shall, in the case of two-faced blocks, be not less than 200 feet, in addition to any alleys or public utility easements provided through the interior. Single-faced blocks shall be not less than 100 feet wide, in addition to the alley or easement strip.
Interior spaces and narrow trafficway. Irregularly shaped blocks indented by cul-de-sac streets and those written and recorded containing private parks or other open spaces shall be covered by agreements as to ownership and maintenance of such interior spaces. This shall also apply to any trafficway allowed for any reason but too narrow to be acceptable as City streets.
Size, shape, orientation and setback. Lot size, shape and orientation and the minimum setback allowance for buildings shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision and for the type of development and use intended. Lot dimensions shall, as a minimum, conform to appropriate requirements of Chapter 325, Zoning. In case of commercial use, ample provisions shall be allowed for future off-street parking and loading facilities. In the case of corner lots for residential use, account shall be taken of the necessary setbacks on both streets or the corresponding sight distance requirement for traffic safety.
Reverse-frontage lots. In the case of reverse-frontage lots, a planting screen easement of at least 10 feet shall be provided, across which there shall be no right of access.
So far as practicable or as required by law, provision shall be made for interior services requiring rights-of-way for any necessary utilities to be placed underground.
Paved rear service streets not less than 20 feet wide or, in lieu thereof, adequate off-street loading space suitably surfaced shall be provided in connection with all lots designed for commercial use.
In case a tract is divided into larger parcels than ordinary building lots, such parcels shall be so arranged as to allow the opening of future streets and reasonable further subdivision.
The plat shall show all areas proposed to be set aside for park, open space or recreation areas. The plat shall show the size, character and location of such park, open space or recreation areas, including features such as trees, rock outcrops, streams or ponds.
The Planning and Development Board may require that up to 10% of the gross area of the proposed plat be reserved for park, open space or recreation purposes. The Board shall approve the size, shape and location of all areas proposed to be reserved for park, open space or recreation purposes.
Payment in lieu of area.
If the Board determines that a suitable park, open space or recreation area of adequate size cannot be properly located in any such plat or is otherwise not desirable, the Board may then require as a condition of approval of the plat a payment to the City of Ithaca as follows:
In the R-1 and R-2 Zones, $1,000 per building lot within the subdivision.
In the R-3, C-SU and B Zones, $1,000 per 3,000 square feet of land area within the subdivision.
In the R-U Zone, $1,000 per 10,000 square feet of land area within the subdivision.
Such payment shall be paid to the City of Ithaca at the time of final plat approval, and no plat shall be signed by the authorized officer of the Board until such payment is made. All such payments shall be held by the City of Ithaca in a dedicated Park, Open Space and Recreation Area Improvement Fund and shall be used only for the following purposes:
The acquisition of land that is suitable for a permanent public park, open space or recreation area that is so located that it will serve primarily the general neighborhood in which the plat is located.
The improvement of a public park, open space or recreation areas which serve primarily the general neighborhood in which the plat is located, provided that the need for such improvements is established by the Planning and Development Board or by the Board of Public Works.
The Planning and Development Board shall waive the requirement that either park, open space or recreation land be reserved or that a payment be made to the City of Ithaca if either of the following conditions exists:
The subdivision of land does not create additional building lots which meet the applicable area and lot width requirements contained in the City of Ithaca's Zoning Ordinance,[1] (e.g., boundary line adjustments); or
Editor's Note: See Ch. 325, Zoning.
In the R-1, R-2 or R-3 Zones, the parcel of land to be subdivided is divided into not more than two building lots, provided that such waiver shall not be applied to the same parcel of land or subdivided parts thereof more than one time in any ten-year period.
In general, no reserve strips controlling access to land dedicated or to be dedicated to public use shall be permitted.
Land subject to flooding or otherwise deemed by the Planning and Development Board to be uninhabitable shall not be platted for residential occupancy nor for any other use such as may increase danger to health, life or property or aggravate the hazard or difficulty inherent in the property.
Any streets and utility infrastructure necessary to the proper service and function of the property subdivided shall be provided at the subdivider's expense before final approval of the subdivision becomes effective. If such improvements are not complete, provision for completion shall be made by means of a performance bond, as further specified under § 290-13 above. Staged or phased development of a subdivision may be undertaken in this manner, with the required infrastructure for each section covered by a performance bond acceptable to the Board.
Any streets or infrastructure provided by the subdivider shall conform to the following requirements, and in the event that such improvements are to be offered to the City for dedication, they shall so conform before they may be accepted.
Street network and block size. All regulations of this chapter pertaining to block length and width, dead-end streets, grades and lines shall have been complied with, unless otherwise in compliance with the City Master Plan or Official Map, if any.
Trees and shrubs. Clearing and grubbing of trees and brush shall be done for the full width of the right-of-way of each new street, unless otherwise specified by the Board.
Grades and grading.
Grades proposed for the streets, surface drainageways and all water and sewer mains must be approved by the City Engineer before any street development is begun. Cross sections through street rights-of-way shall be such that sidewalks can be constructed in the same general plane as the street pavement. Any deviation in the above due to special conditions must have prior approval from the City Engineer.
In rough grading the right-of-way for a new street, the subdivider shall be responsible for the proper disposition of any rock excavated or of any excess soil or other material. The subdivider shall also be responsible for providing for any additional fill needed to meet the approved grades for streets and sidewalks.
Storm drainage.
Any swales, ditches or channels within street or rights-of-way must be approved by the City Engineer with respect to capacity and construction design, including connecting with storm sewers, and their construction shall be coordinated with the construction of any streets or other vehicular or pedestrian accessways serving the subdivision and shall have been completed before any subdivision streets may be accepted by the city.
Necessary storm sewers of capacity and construction design approved by the City Engineer shall have been completed in conjunction with construction of any new streets.
Storm drainage facilities provided in accordance with this section shall be designed to accommodate surface runoff from adjoining undeveloped property uphill; and where storm drainage from the subdivision will discharge into natural or artificial surface drainageways, the subdivider shall ensure that such discharge will not occur at a greater rate than would occur under the most severe conditions if the subdivision site were undeveloped.
Sanitary sewers. In accordance with City specifications, sanitary sewers of adequate capacity to serve the subdivision and adjacent areas shall have been installed, connecting to existing City mains. Plans for such sanitary sewers must have received the approval of the Board of Public Works and of the Tompkins County Department of Health before sewer installation.
Curbs and gutters. Curbs and gutters constructed in accordance with City specifications shall be required to serve all or any portion of any street in the subdivision, unless an alternate design is approved by the Planning and Development Board and the Board of Public Works.
Sidewalks. Construction of sidewalks serving all streets in the subdivision shall be required, unless that requirement is waived by the Planning and Development Board and the Board of Public Works. Any such sidewalks shall conform to City specifications.
Trees. The Planning and Development Board may require the planting of trees within the space between the pavement and the edge of the right-of-way of any new subdivision, street or portion thereof. The tree species, size, spacing and method and location of planting shall be as directed or approved by the Board in consultation with the City Forester and shall conform to the guidelines and specifications of the city's Tree Ordinance,[1] if any. Appropriate guaranties for tree health may be required. If appropriate, existing trees may be utilized.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 306, Trees and Shrubs.
Street monuments. Street monuments shall be placed at such block corners, angle points, points of curvature in the streets and such intermediate points as may be necessary to furnish a complete, permanent marking of the bounds of the proposed streets. The street monuments shall be of such material, size and length as may be fixed by the City as a standard or as approved by the City Engineer.
Evidence of title; maps. For any subdivision street or other area that is offered to the City for dedication, the subdivider shall furnish an abstract of title or other evidence satisfactory to the City Attorney and shall also furnish an acceptable map on recordable Mylar, or other material acceptable for record, showing the boundaries of the property offered and describing them by dimension, bearings and other data necessary to provide a complete, permanent record of the rights-of-way and street monuments.
Water mains. Water mains of capacity adequate to serve the entire subdivision and adjacent areas where appropriate and required by the Board upon the advice of the City Engineer, shall be installed in accordance with City specifications. When a subdivision is opened and developed in sections, the Board may decide not to require installation of mains in a section until it is to be opened.
Street grading. Final grading of the full street width to the approved grades shall be completed, including provision of any fill needed, which shall be of a type and quality acceptable to the City Engineer. The developer shall also be responsible for removal of any dirt in excess of that needed and for its disposition in accordance with applicable regulations.
Gravel roadway. A compacted gravel roadway of a finished depth and width suitable to carry the anticipated type and volume of traffic, as approved by the City Engineer, shall be provided by the subdivider.
Street paving. Paving of the street to City standards, including base and wearing courses of material approved by the City Engineer, shall be provided by the subdivider. Such street shall be designed and built to carry the anticipated type and volume of traffic, as approved by the Engineer.
Curb cuts and driveway aprons. Curb cuts and driveway aprons installed by the subdivider in conjunction with the initial development of a subdivision shall conform to City standards, shall be approved by the City Engineer as to location and width and shall further conform to the specifications of § 325-20 of Chapter 325, Zoning, of the City Code.
Fire hydrants. Fire hydrants of a type acceptable to the Department of Public Works and the Ithaca Fire Department shall be installed at locations specified by the Department of Public Works in consultation with the Fire Department and connected to water mains by piping adequate to carry the volume of water required to serve the hydrants.
Manholes, control valves, inlets, culverts and utility structures in streets. All manholes, control valves, inlets, culverts and utility structures required for access to and control and operation of utilities and services installed or required to be installed by or for the subdivider in conjunction with the initial development of a subdivision, or any section thereof, shall conform to City standards or, to the standards of the provider of the utility or service, as applicable, and shall be approved by the City Engineer. The installation of such structures, controls, etc., shall be coordinated with the construction of subdivision streets at all stages and shall be completed before the street may be accepted by the city.
Storm drainage connections to streams. The connection of any storm drain, ditch or swale that is constructed by the subdivider, emptying into a stream or watercourse, shall be made in accordance with City standards or as approved by the City Engineer and with applicable state requirements. Such storm drainage connection shall be completed before the beginning of any development of any lot in any section of the subdivision which would be served by the drain, ditch or swale.
Underground electric transmission and distribution facilities and other utilities. If primary facilities for underground electric service or other utilities within the subdivision, whether required by state law, by the Board or otherwise provided by the subdivider, are to be installed before subdivision streets are offered to the city, the subdivider shall be responsible for assuring that such installation does not impair or damage any other subdivision infrastructure. In the event that such installation does impair or damage other infrastructure, the subdivider shall be responsible for correcting the impairment or repairing any damage to meet applicable City standards and the approval of the City Engineer.
Retaining walls, etc. The design, construction material and details of any retaining wall or other special engineering feature which is to be located in or directly adjoining any street or pedestrian right-of-way within the subdivision must be approved by the City Engineer prior to construction of the feature.
Streetlighting. The developer shall provide streetlighting as required by the Board of Public Works or shall provide such ducts or other infrastructure as the Board of Public Works shall determine will facilitate later installation of lighting facilities.
Provided that all requirements for subdivision infrastructure specified in § 290-27 above, together with any additional requirements specified by the Board, have been satisfactorily met by the subdivider, the provisions of this section shall apply.
The City may, at its discretion and subject to approval by the Board of Public Works, provide the following additional improvements, if not required of the subdivider:
Street trees. Planting of suitable street trees, as determined by the city, shall follow development of the individual lots.
Sidewalks, curbs and gutters. Sidewalks, curbs and gutters may be obtained from the City by a petition of the owners of the abutting lots and by specific authority of the Board of Public Works. A special assessment for the construction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be levied against the abutting properties in accord with §§ C-73B and C-89 of the City Charter.
Streetlights. Adequate streetlighting may be provided when it is evident that building construction in the subdivision warrants streetlighting.