The subdivider shall observe the general requirements
and design standards for land subdivision set out in this article.
In general, the proposed subdivision shall conform
to the Official Map and to the Master Plan, insofar as such exist.
So far as practicable or as required by law,
provision shall be made for interior services requiring rights-of-way
for any necessary utilities to be placed underground.
Paved rear service streets not less than 20
feet wide or, in lieu thereof, adequate off-street loading space suitably
surfaced shall be provided in connection with all lots designed for
commercial use.
In case a tract is divided into larger parcels
than ordinary building lots, such parcels shall be so arranged as
to allow the opening of future streets and reasonable further subdivision.
In general, no reserve strips controlling access
to land dedicated or to be dedicated to public use shall be permitted.
Land subject to flooding or otherwise deemed
by the Planning and Development Board to be uninhabitable shall not
be platted for residential occupancy nor for any other use such as
may increase danger to health, life or property or aggravate the hazard
or difficulty inherent in the property.