The Town Board of the Town of Ossining acknowledges
the high cost of housing compared to average earnings in the Ccounty,
and this trend has grown more noticeable as land and housing values
have increased in recent years. Maintaining and ensuring a balanced
mix of housing types and sizes that are affordable to a range of incomes
is essential to ensuring the long-term health of the community. Such
balanced housing stock enables a variety of residents to live and
work in the Town, maintain family ties, and participate in community
services, such as emergency services. Balanced housing is also essential
to attracting and maintaining an adequate workforce, a healthy business
environment, and a balanced tax base that supports local services
and the quality of life. It is therefore important to maintain a mix
of housing choices and to encourage and/or require the construction
of below-market-rate (BMR) units in future development.
Within all residential developments of 10 or more units created
by subdivision or site plan approval, no fewer than 10% of the total
number of units shall be created as BMR units. In residential developments
of five to nine units, at least one BMR unit shall be created.