As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings
Any alarm system designed to send a signal, recorded or otherwise,
which terminates in any manner at the Police Department or Fire Department
of the City of Cohoes, or any alarm system designed to emit an audible exterior
signal at the scene of the installation.
Each and every emergency alarm system which terminates in a module at
the Police or Fire Department must be electrically wired at a reversing relay
at the subscriber's residence or place of business.
Each and every alarm system which is audible at the scene of the alarm
shall be installed with a timer which will discontinue the signal after no
more than 15 minutes.
Any property owner who transmits a fourth or subsequent false alarm
within a calendar year, after three prior warnings, shall be guilty of a violation,
whether caused by human error or malfunction of equipment at the subscriber's
terminal. Wire trouble, caused by problems within the telephone lines, shall
not be considered a false alarm. The intentional transmission of a false alarm
shall be punishable under the New York State Penal Law. The penalty for the
violation, after conviction, shall be a fine of no more than $250 and/or 15
days in jail.
In the case of apparent false alarms received, it is mandated that a
representative of the subscriber respond to the scene to verify the security
of the premises.