Administration. The provisions of this chapter shall be administered and enforced by the Zoning Officer who shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer and he/she shall have the power to:
Receive and examine all applications for zoning permits.
Issue permits only for construction and uses where there is compliance with the provisions of this chapter, provided that a Township permit may be conditioned upon approval under other Township ordinances, and state and federal laws, regulations and permits. Permits for construction or uses requiring approval by the Township Board of Supervisors shall be issued only after receipt of approval from the Board of Supervisors.
Record and file applications for permits with any accompanying plans and documents.
Make such reports as the Board of Supervisors may specify.
Institute in the name of the Township any appropriate action or proceedings to prevent the unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance or use; to restrain, correct or abate such violation so as to prevent the occupancy or use of any building, structure or land; or to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about such premises.
Revoke, by order, a zoning permit issued under a mistake of fact or contrary to the law of the provisions of this chapter.
Order and require the abatement forthwith or otherwise of a violation of the provisions of this chapter.
Conduct inspections and surveys to determine compliance or noncompliance with the terms of this chapter.
Maintain a map showing the current zoning classifications of all land.
Receive and forward to the Zoning Hearing Board all applications or special exceptions or variances to the terms of this chapter.
Prepare and maintain a list of nonconforming uses when directed to do so by the Board of Supervisors.
Enforcement notice. If it appears to the Township that a violation of this chapter has occurred, the Township shall initiate enforcement proceedings by sending an enforcement notice as provided herein. The enforcement notice shall be sent to the owner of record of the parcel on which the violation has occurred, to any person who has filed a written request to receive enforcement notices regarding that parcel, and to any other person requested in writing by the owner of record. An enforcement notice shall comply with the requirements of the State Municipalities Planning Code,[1] and shall state the following at a minimum:
The name of the owner of record and any other person against whom the Township intends to take action.
The location of the property in violation.
The specific violation with a description of the requirements which have not been met citing in each instance the applicable provisions of this chapter.
The date before which the steps for compliance must be commenced and the date before which the steps must be completed.
That the recipient of the notice has the right to appeal to the Zoning Hearing Board within a prescribed period of time in accordance with procedures set forth in this chapter.
That failure to comply with the notice within the time specified, unless extended by appeal to the Zoning Hearing Board, constitutes a violation.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
No use may be established or changed, no structure may be erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, razed, removed, and no building used or occupied, changed in use or changed in nonresidential occupancy, until a zoning permit has been secured from the Zoning Officer. Upon completion of changes in use or construction, reconstruction, alteration or moving structures, the applicant shall notify the Zoning Officer of such completion. No zoning permits shall be issued until the Zoning Officer has certified that the proposed use of land or existing or proposed building or structure complies with the provisions of the applicable district and other provisions of this chapter. No permit shall be considered as complete or as permanently effective until the Zoning Officer has noted on the permit that the work or occupancy and use have been inspected and approved as being in conformance with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable regulations.
At the time of making an application, all applicants for zoning permits, special exceptions, conditional uses, variances, other hearings before the Zoning Hearing Board and for other matters addressed in the Fee Schedule shall pay to the Township for use of the Township a fee and, if applicable, an escrow deposit in accordance with the Township Fee Schedule. The Township Schedule shall be adopted, and may be amended, by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.[1] The Township may also require an applicant to reimburse the Township for costs of consultants, solicitors, engineers and other professionals if permitted under the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.[2]
Editor's Note: Said Fee Schedule is on file in the Township offices.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
A complete application for a zoning permit shall be made to the Township within one year after receiving a zoning variance, special exception use, or conditional use, unless the matter is the subject of a legal appeal or unless the application is still awaiting Township subdivision or land development approval. Any erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, or moving of a building or other structure, including a sign authorized by a zoning permit, shall be commenced and any change in use of a building or land authorized by a zoning permit shall be undertaken within one year of the date of the issuance of the permit. If either time period is not met, the approval and permit shall be considered null and void.
In the case of erection or construction of a building, the right to proceed with construction may be extended annually without additional fees for an aggregate period of not more than three years, provided that the construction pursuant to the permit has commenced within the first one-year period.
No structure erected, constructed, reconstructed, extended, or moved and no land or building changed in use under a zoning permit shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any use whatsoever or changed in nonresidential occupancy until the owner or authorized agent has been issued a certification of occupancy by the Zoning Officer indicating that the building or use complies with the terms of this chapter.
No certificate of occupancy shall be issued until the premises in question have been inspected and found by the Zoning Officer to be in compliance with this chapter.
The issuance of a certificate of occupancy in no way absolves the owner or authorized agent from compliance with the intent of this chapter.