[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Crystal Lake as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted as amended 5-17-2005 by Ord. No. 5938 (Art. II, Ch. IV, Section B, of the 1993 Code)]
The salary of the City Manager shall be established on an annual basis, as specified by the Mayor and City Council in the annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance of the City. The City Manager shall have a performance review annually by the Mayor and City Council to be completed during the last two weeks in April of each year. This requirement does not preclude the Mayor and City Council from conducting City Manager performance reviews at any other time the Mayor and City Council deems appropriate.
Salaries for all other employees of the City which are not determined by ordinance of the City or by other provision of this Code shall be determined by the Salary Ordinance of the City.
The City Manager shall have the right to assign pay ranges and steps and to amend the salaries of all employees during the fiscal year, provided that such amendments are in accordance with the Salary Ordinance of the City, and further provided that sufficient funds are available to cover such amendments.
[Added 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 7977]
The City shall hereby provide every employee (whether full time, part time, or seasonal) not less than two hours of paid time off annually. To the extent that the City establishes from time to time personnel policies extending a greater amount of paid leave, the amount of paid leave set forth in such policies shall apply to employees in accordance with the conditions and limitations of such policies. To the extent that a collective bargaining agreement sets forth standards different than the personnel policies established by the City, the terms of the collective bargaining agreement shall control to the extent permitted by law. Any paid time off shall be administered in accordance with the conditions and limitations of such personnel policies or (where applicable) collective bargaining agreements.
[Adopted as last amended 4-16-2024 by Ord. No. 8020]
That the ranges of annual, daily or hourly rates for the employees of the City are hereby to read as set forth on the amended chart attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Compensation Plan").[1]
Editor's Note: Said chart is on file in the City offices.
The City Manager shall develop procedures and direct the administration of those procedures to ensure that individual employee's wages are determined and allocated in an equitable manner in keeping with the goals and requirements of this policy.
New employees and newly promoted employees shall be paid a salary within their new salary range that is not less than the minimum of the range and does not exceed the maximum of their new pay range. Salary increases for individual employees will be timed and salary increase amounts will be determined following the specific criteria below:
Quality of performance since the employee's last salary adjustment.
Comparison of current salary to pay of other employees of like duties, responsibilities and performance.
Position of an employee's current salary within the pay range in terms of overall ability and overall performance since the employee first entered the range.
The City Manager shall annually direct the review and survey of certain positions and their salary ranges in comparison with other communities in proximity to the City of Crystal Lake or of like size and comparable composition.
The City Manager shall annually approve salary rates and their effective dates for all employees.
The City Manager may initiate exceptions to this policy when, in his/her judgment, such action is for the good of the organization.
That all positions of the City shall be separated into classifications and each classification shall have a pay range and the designation of an annual, daily, or hourly rate of pay. The classifications of positions may be modified as deemed appropriate by the City Manager.
All employees, including department directors, part-time and seasonal employees, shall receive such compensation as shall be determined from time to time by the City Manager; provided, however, no expenditure shall be made on account of or pursuant to appointment or employment by the City Manager unless sufficient funds have been appropriated in the annual budget.