[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Passaic 3-20-1986 as Ord. No. 921-86. Amendments noted where applicable.]
General penalty — See Ch. 1, Art. II.
Adult entertainment — See Ch. 70.
Clubs — See Ch. 103.
Entertainment — See Ch. 129.
Licenses — See Ch. 177.
[Amended 4-17-1996 by Ord. No. 1367-96]
No person shall rent any public dance hall for a dance without the sponsor having first obtained from the City Clerk a permit for such dance. The fee shall be $10 and shall be deposited with the City Clerk at the time the application is made. Each permit shall be forwarded by the City Clerk to the Chief of Police as notification of the event/dance.
A permit shall not be required for the following:
For wedding receptions, anniversary or confirmation parties.
Any person or corporation holding a plenary retail liquor consumption license in the City of Passaic whenever any public dance is under its complete auspices and on its premises.
A fee shall not be required for the following entities:
Houses of worship.
Nonprofit institutions which have received nonprofit status by the Internal Revenue Service.
The City of Passaic and all subdivisions thereof.