[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Elmsford 8-16-1937. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Brush, grass, rubbish and weeds — See Ch. 105.
Littering of streets and sidewalks — See Ch. Ch. 291, Art. IV.
Storage of vehicles — See Ch. 321.
Zoning — See Ch. 335.
The storage or placing of rubbish, refuse, discarded vehicles, furniture or fixtures or any other discarded material of any kind upon either a vacant lot or unimproved land located within a residential area of the Village of Elmsford, as established by Chapter 335, Zoning, of said village, is hereby prohibited.
A fine of not to exceed $25 or five days' imprisonment, or both, for each offense shall be imposed upon any person placing such rubbish, refuse, discarded vehicles, furniture or fixtures or other discarded material upon the premises hereinbefore mentioned, and/or upon the person in control of such premises, whether owner, tenant or otherwise, who permits the storing of any such materials upon such premises. Each day such materials remain on said premises shall constitute a separate offense.