[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Colts Neck 6-24-1976 (Ch. 13 of the 1969 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Deputy Clerk — See Ch. 46, Art. II.
The purpose of this chapter is to prescribe the manner in which bills, claims and demands against the Township of Colts Neck shall be approved or disapproved and the manner in which payments of moneys shall be authorized.
No bill, claim or voucher shall be honored by the Township of Colts Neck unless a proper appropriation has been made therefor and there are sufficient moneys to cover the expenditure.
Any person, firm, company, partnership or corporation claiming payment from the Township of Colts Neck shall first submit a detailed statement of the items or demand necessitating such claim to the Colts Neck Township Treasurer, specifying particularly how the bill or demand is made up, with the certification of the party claiming payment that it is correct.
No bill, claim or voucher shall be considered for payment unless the voucher has attached to it (or includes) a certification of the Township Clerk or the Township Deputy Clerk that the goods have been received by or the services have been rendered to the Township of Colts Neck and that those services or goods are consistent with any existing contract or agreement. The Township Clerk or Township Deputy Clerk shall have the duty to audit, warrant and make recommendations on all claims and bills.
The procedure to be followed for payroll and salary checks to be paid to employees of the Township of Colts Neck pursuant to the then-current Salary Ordinance[1] shall be as follows: The Township Treasurer or her designee, for each pay period, shall prepare a certified list setting forth with specificity the name of each employee as well as the salary to be earned by such employee for the pay period involved. The Township Treasurer shall attach such itemized list to a single voucher which shall be prepared under his or her direction and which shall incorporate by reference the information set forth on the itemized list above mentioned. The voucher shall set forth the total number of employees involved as well as the total salary to be paid for the time period in question. The voucher shall be otherwise certified as required under the provisions of this chapter.
[Added 10-8-1981]
Editor's Note: A copy of the Salary Ordinance is on file in the township offices.
The bill, claim or voucher, duly certified, shall be presented to the Township Clerk or Deputy Clerk for inclusion in the agenda of the next immediate formal meeting of the governing body, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk or Deputy Clerk to examine all bills or claims submitted for payment in order to ascertain that proper administrative procedures have been followed. All claims or bills to be considered by the Township Committee shall be listed systematically without preference, and said list shall be made available to every member of said governing body at or before the meeting at which formal action is to be taken by such body.
All claims or demands for payment must be received by the Township Clerk or Deputy Clerk within 48 hours of the last Thursday in the month. Any claims or demands received after such time shall be considered by the Township Committee at the next succeeding regular monthly meeting.
All bills, claims or demands (vouchers) which have been duly approved by the Township Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall then be presented to the member of the Township Committee who has been designated as Director of Finance and Budget, who shall then examine all such vouchers and shall indicate his or her approval on each such voucher prior to submission to the Township Committee for payment.
Said bills, claims and vouchers shall then be considered by the Township Committee, and approval shall be indicated by a majority vote of all members voting, a quorum being present; provided, however, that the Township Committee may reject any bill, claim or voucher presented to it, stating the reason for such rejection. Any rejected bill, claim or voucher shall be referred back to the Administrator with such instructions as the Township Committee may give at the time of disapproval.
All bills, claims and vouchers approved for payment by the Township Committee shall be paid by check after such check is signed by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor and countersigned by the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer and the Township Clerk or Township Deputy Clerk. The Township Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer shall record all the checks in the proper books of account and thereafter cause the checks to be delivered to the claimant.