For each and every violation of any provision of this chapter, the owner, contractor or any other persons who commit, take part or assist in any violation of this chapter, or who maintain any building or premises in which any violation of this chapter exists, and who shall have refused to abate such violation within 10 days after written notice shall have been served upon him, either by mail or by personal service, shall for each and every violation be imprisoned for a period not exceeding 90 days or be fined not exceeding $500 or both at the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge before whom a conviction may be had. Each and every day that such violation continued after such notice expires shall be considered a separate and specific violation of this chapter.
In addition to the remedy or remedies herein provided, any person, persons, company or corporation violating this chapter or any provision or section thereof may be proceeded against by the Borough or by the Zoning Officer or by the owner of any property in the Borough by appropriate action or by proceeding equity or otherwise to prevent and enjoin any threatened violation of this chapter.