[Adopted 12-12-1992 by Ord. No. 92-25]
Police officers employed by the Borough of Berlin shall be permitted off-duty employment pursuant to the provisions set forth herein. Off-duty employment shall not be permitted if the police officer and/or outside contractor fail to comply with the provisions set forth herein either prior to the commencement of the employment or at any time during the period of employment.
As used in this article, the following definitions shall have the meanings indicated:
The person, corporation or other legal entity employing a Berlin Borough police officer to provide off-duty police-related services.
Any employment by a Berlin Borough police officer for police-related services where the source of compensation to the police officer does not originate from the municipal budget line item for police wages and salary.
Contractors seeking to employ off-duty Berlin Borough police officers shall make said request through the Berlin Borough Police Department, to the attention of the Chief of Police. The request must be in writing and must include the specific nature of the services desired.
The Borough Police Department shall maintain a list of police officers who have volunteered for off-duty employment. Assignment of off-duty police work shall be made in accordance with a rotation list to be maintained by the Chief of Police. When a police officer is assigned off-duty employment or if a police officer refuses an assignment, the officer's name will be placed at the bottom of the list.
Under no circumstances shall a police officer be permitted to work more than 20 hours per week, during a regularly scheduled work week, in off-duty employment; and off-duty employment can be immediately terminated if the police officer performing said work is required for emergency police duty for the Borough of Berlin as shall be determined by the Chief of Police.
Berlin Borough police officers performing off-duty police-related services for private contractors shall be in full police uniform while said services are being provided. However, Berlin Borough police vehicles shall not be used by police officers during the performance of off-duty police-related services unless specifically authorized by the governing body.
The governing body of Berlin Borough shall adopt a resolution authorizing said off-duty employment, which may be amended from time to time, and authorizing the Borough Administrator to execute a contract with the contractor for the services required which contract shall set forth, inter alia, the specific nature of the services to be performed, the location that said services will be performed, the dates and hours of service, payment arrangements, arrangements for the use of police vehicles, arrangements for insurance coverage and any other provisions mandated by this article or any law or regulation of the State of New Jersey.
[Amended 8-20-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-11]
Payment for police services shall be made in advance of the performance of said services based on estimates of the work to be performed as determined by the Chief of Police. In the event the initial amount deposited is insufficient, the Chief of Police shall require additional advance payments. The hourly rate to be charged by the Borough of Berlin is set forth in Subsection B below which includes the hourly rate of pay for the police officer, the cost for the use of a police vehicle, if authorized, plus a fair and reasonable sum representing the administrative costs, overhead and out-of-pocket expenses to the Borough of Berlin for providing this service. Payment shall be made to the Borough Treasurer who shall bill for any services which have not been paid in advance. The contractor shall forward all sums due for off-duty police services to the Chief of Police of Berlin and all checks shall be payable to the “Borough of Berlin.” The Chief of Police shall verify the accuracy of all payments before forwarding said sums to the Borough Treasurer. A separate dedicated bi-writer trust fund shall be established by the Borough of Berlin, and all funds collected and disbursed relating to off-duty employment shall be made through said account.
Contractors, other government agencies (other than Camden County), or other business or civic instrumentalities requiring extra police services resulting in the hiring of Borough police officers for off-duty employment shall be charged pursuant to the following schedule:
[Amended 4-12-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-06; 9-9-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-13]
Traffic Control (defined as outdoor activity): $100 per hour per police officer, $15 per patrol car per hour plus a $15 per hour administrative fee, totaling a sum of $130 per hour.
[Amended 2-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Security duties (defined as indoor activity): $100 per hour per police officer, plus a $15 per hour administrative fee, totaling a sum of $115 per hour (Note: no fee for patrol vehicle). Security rates for the Berlin Farmers Market and Solid Rock Baptist Church shall be $75 per hour, per officer(s) assigned.
[Amended 2-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
County traffic duties (defined as work requested by or through the County of Camden): $67.03 per hour per police officer, paid out of the current maximum county reimbursement, the balance of the funds to be paid toward patrol car usage fees and administrative fees. Any and all future county increases shall be paid to the police officer until such time when the County rate of pay per hour should exceed the per hourly rate in § 52-19B(1) above, the balance of which shall be retained by the Borough for administrative fees and patrol car usage fees.
The contractor shall submit payment to the Borough of Berlin within five business days of receipt of said invoice. Failure of the contractor to make payment within said five days shall result in the immediate cessation of the police services being provided, and the agreement between the Borough and contractor shall be deemed terminated. In the event this contract is terminated, the contractor shall forfeit all sums paid in advance, and the Borough of Berlin shall have the right to pursue any remedy at law for the collection of any amounts that may be due and owing for the services provided prior to termination. All fees set forth in § 52-19B(1) and (2) shall be subject to an automatic annual increase of 5%, commencing on a yearly basis on January 1, 2025, through January 1, 2026, at which time the annual increase will be reviewed and considered for modification by the Mayor and Borough Council with the except of the Berlin Farmers Market and Solid Rock Baptist Church.
[Amended 2-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
The contractor shall be responsible for providing all necessary insurance coverages as required by law, including but not limited to workers' compensation and general liability insurance. Coincidental with the execution of the contract referred to in § 52-18, the contractor shall provide the Borough with appropriate insurance binders insuring that the police officer and Borough of Berlin are provided general liability coverage with respect to the services to be provided and that the police officer is covered by appropriate workers' compensation insurance.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, the contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Borough of Berlin, its agents and employees, from and against all claims, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses, including but not limited to attorney fees and court costs, arising out of, resulting from or in any way relating to, either directly or indirectly:
The performance of the work;
Any and all claims made by said police personnel for injuries and/or illnesses while performing the off-duty employment;
The breach by contractor of any of the terms and conditions of the agreement;
The negligent or intentional acts or omissions of the police and/or the contractor, its employees, agents and/or subcontractors;
Bodily injury, sickness and/or disease, including death, at any time resulting from such bodily injury, sickness or disease, sustained by any person while in, on or about the site and surrounding areas where such injury, sickness, disease and/or death arose out of or was in any way connected with the work of, the performance of or failure to properly perform the work;
Any liability based upon the contractor's negligence imputed to the Borough of Berlin;
Damage to property of the contractor, the Borough of Berlin or any other person or entity arising out of, incident to or in connection with the performance of the work;
Laborers, mechanics and materialmen's liens, and all other liens and charges of every character whatsoever, arising out of work to be performed by this agreement; and/or
Any other cause of action which may be brought against the Borough of Berlin arising out of or in any way relating to the work and contractor's obligations hereunder.
This indemnification and hold harmless agreement shall apply in all instances whether the Borough of Berlin is a plaintiff or is made a direct party to the initial action or claim or is subsequently made a party to the action by third party in-pleading or is made a party to a collateral action arising, in whole or in part, from any of the issues from the original cause of action or claim.