[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Blasdell at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Amendments noted where applicable.]

Code of Ethics — See Ch. 17.

Officers and employees — See Ch. 40.

Personnel policies — See Ch. 47.

§ 12-1

§ 12-2

§ 12-3

§ 12-4
Conferral of benefits. 

§ 12-5
Responsibility of village. 

§ 12-6
Resolution of disputes. 

This chapter shall be known as "A Law To Provide for the Defense and Indemnification of Officers and Employees of the Village of Blasdell."

This chapter provides for the legal defense and indemnification of judgments against employees of the Village of Blasdell.

For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings given herein:

Any person who is an officer or employee of the Village of Blasdell, or any member of any village board, council or commission or a volunteer expressly authorized to participate in a village-sponsored volunteer program, or any other person holding a position by election, appointment or employment in the service of the village, whether or not compensated. The term "employee" shall include a former employee, his or her estate or judicially approved personal representative, but shall not include an independent contractor.
The Incorporated Village of Blasdell, County of Erie, State of New York.

By the adoption of this chapter, the village hereby agrees to confer upon its employees the benefits of § 18 of the Public Officers Law of the State of New York and to be held liable for the costs incurred under its provisions.

Subject to the terms, provisions and conditions contained in said Public Officers Law, the village shall provide for the legal defense and indemnification of its employees for acts or omissions which occurred while they were acting, or in good faith purporting to act, within the scope of their public employment or duties.

Any dispute as to whether an employee was acting, or in good faith purporting to act, within the scope of his or her employment or duties shall be resolved by the Board of Trustees, which shall review and consider the facts and circumstances out of which the complaint arose. The Board of Trustees need not limit its review to the allegations contained in the legal proceedings and may reassess any determination based on additional evidence or subsequent developments in the action or proceeding.