As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An outside diameter measurement of the trunk of a tree measured at a vertical distance of six inches above grade.
Caliper dimension at a height above ground in the four feet to six feet range.
The removal of trees from an area of 5,000 square feet or greater, whether by cutting or other means. Clearing shall not include the removal of trees for landscaping purposes by individual lot owners.
That portion of a lot exclusive of the required minimum setback and yard requirements as established by Chapter 275, Zoning.
A qualified arborist selected by the Town Council to provide required arborist services and consultation to the Town.
A line on the ground established by a vertical plane extending from a tree's outermost branch tips to the ground, i.e., the line enclosing the area directly beneath the tree's crown from which rainfall would drip.
Any self-supporting woody perennial plant, usually having a main stem or trunk and many branches and at maturity normally attaining a trunk diameter greater than three inches at any point and a height of over 10 feet.
Any portion of a site wherein are located existing trees that are proposed to be retained in order to comply with the requirements of this chapter. The tree protection area shall include no less than the total area beneath twice the radius of the crown of the tree or group of trees collectively.
Those areas of lands which fall within the definition of "wetlands" currently used by the Army Corps of Engineers, or those adopted by the State of Delaware in accordance with the Army Corps of Engineers.
An area of contiguous wooded vegetation of at least 10,000 square feet in an area where trees exist at a density of at least one tree with diameter at breast height of six inches or greater per 400 square feet of land and where the tree branches form a contiguous canopy. Active tree nurseries and orchards shall not be considered woodland for purposes of this chapter.
[Amended 4-27-2009]
The terms and provisions of this chapter shall apply to any activity on real property that requires site plan or subdivision approval of the Town Council as set forth in this chapter and Chapter 275 (Zoning) and Chapter 238 (Subdivision of Land). No building or demolition permit or approval of an application for subdivision or site plan shall be issued until it is determined that the proposed action is in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
In new developments, woodland areas shall be preserved in accordance with the following Table 1 below:
[Amended 3-28-2024]
Percentage of Existing Woodlands Area to be Preserved
0 to 1.25 DUs/acre
1.25 to 2.5 DUs/acre
2.5 to 5 DUs/acre
5 to 10 DUs/acre
1 to 10 acres
10 to 25 acres
25 to 50 acres
More than 50 acres
Selective clearing may be used on up to 1/2 of the woodland area required to be preserved This allows individual lots to be placed within common ownership. Areas required to be cleared for street rights-of-way shall not be included in the calculation of woodlands to be preserved.
On any newly created lot located within a woodland area, all trees of six-inch dbh located outside of the buildable area of the lot shall be preserved. Any removal of trees outside of the buildable area shall be subject to the mitigation requirements located in Article III of this chapter.
[Amended 4-27-2009]
Clearing, as defined by this chapter, for any purpose whatsoever, except the establishment of trails and pathways (not greater than eight feet in width), shall be prohibited unless approved by the Town Council through the site plan or subdivision review process.
No portion of wetlands areas shall be developed or cleared of vegetation unless permission is granted pursuant to state and/or federal permits and in accordance with specific woodland-clearing exceptions. Woodlands in designated wetlands shall remain as essentially undisturbed areas.
Trees having an historic value, as determined by the designated arborist, State Historic Preservation Officer, or the Delaware Forestry Service, or that are of an outstanding nature due to type or species or age, may be required by the Town to be preserved. Such trees may be prohibited from being removed by the Building Official until such time that the Town has granted approval to remove such trees.
In designing subdivisions and land development, applicants are encouraged to minimize forest fragmentation and maintain and create, whenever possible, forested corridors to link other forested tracts.
[Amended 3-28-2024]
No less than 90% of existing woodland in areas designated as passive open space on the subdivision or site plan shall remain forested.