[Added 12-19-2006 by Ord. No. 06-18]
There is hereby established a Beautification Committee for the Borough of Oradell to be known as the "Beautification Committee of the Borough of Oradell."
The Beautification Committee shall make recommendations to the Mayor and Council concerning aesthetic and decorative aspects throughout the Borough. The Beautification Committee shall also make recommendations to the Mayor and Council regarding desired projects and ideas that may exceed the Committee's budget limitations.
The Beautification Committee shall consist of up to, but not exceeding 13 members who shall be residents of the Borough of Oradell. The members of the Beautification Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Borough Council for terms of one year, to serve without salary.
Any vacancy occurring for any reason shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment of the Mayor.
The Beautification Committee shall organize annually and from its members elect a Chair.
The duties of the Beautification Committee shall be as follows:
Plant flowers and planting pots throughout the Borough.
Work with DPW regarding nurturing and maintaining the plantings.
Organize community events such as Adopt-a-Pot.
Create seasonal decorations throughout the Borough (including but not limited to fall and holiday decorations).
The Beautification Committee shall keep complete and accurate records of its meetings and activities and shall make an annual report to the Mayor and Council.