[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of St. Joseph 8-6-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-6; amended in its entirety 1-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-03. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 80.
Driveways — See Ch. 92.
Mobile homes and mobile home parks — See Ch. 130.
Naming and numbering roads — See Ch. 150, Art. I.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 168.
Zoning — See Ch. 170.
The Town Board of the Town of St. Joseph adopts this chapter pursuant to its village powers and its specific statutory authority, powers and duties, under Wisconsin law, including but not limited to Wisconsin Statutes chapters 60, 61, 62 and 82, to name and rename roads within its jurisdiction and to develop and approve an official Town Map, including the official Town road names and numbers.
The Town of St. Joseph prepared and adopted an official road naming and numbering map showing all public roads and known private accesses in existence at the time to aid in the location of properties in times of emergency and to assist the United States Post Office in location of properties.
The map and subsequent amendments were forwarded to St. Croix County in compliance with county efforts to maintain a listing of all named or numbered public and private accesses within each municipality of St. Croix County.
In deciding upon any proposed roadway number or name, the Town Board shall consider public safety considerations, the need to easily and quickly locate properties for purposes of providing emergency services, and any other considerations the Town Board deems appropriate for the public health, safety, and welfare. The Town will work with St. Croix County when naming roads to ensure they are consistent with the county's uniform addressing & road naming system, as required by Wisconsin Statutes chapter 59.
Roadway numbers are preferred over roadway names. Roadways are to be numbered in accordance with mileage grid plan measurements from a specific location.
Where a proposed roadway is an extension or continuation of an existing road, the extension/continuation shall be named or numbered using the name or number of the existing road.
The Town Board may, in its discretion and in cooperation with St. Croix County, allow roads to be named rather than numbered provided that the proposed name: does not duplicate any existing road names within St. Croix County; is based on historical references, geologic features, significant natural or man-made landmarks; and is consistent with the considerations outlined in § 151-2C above.
Private named roadways that are taken over by the Town and become public roads may be renamed or numbered in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Shall refer to the act of designating an appellation for the road, or the designation of an appellation for the road. It shall also refer to the number of the road.
Those thoroughfares that provide access between a public road within the Town and two or more residences located within the Town. Private accesses are not maintained by the Town of St. Joseph, and are not part of the public road system within the Town. "Private access" may also refer to roads within a major subdivision which have not been declared public roads.
Town roads that have been accepted by the Town as public and are maintained solely by the Town of St. Joseph. This does not include federal highways, state highways, county highways, or private accesses.
Private accesses in existence at the time of adoption of the 1988 resolution and map were named or numbered solely for the purposes of identification. Naming of the access did not mean that the Town intended to maintain the private access as a Town road until the road was officially designated as a public road. By naming or numbering a private access or private road, the Town did not then and does not now accept said private access/road as a public road and does not accept any liability for said private access. By naming or numbering a private access, the Town does not guarantee that said access is passable for emergency vehicles.
The owners of properties that are served by private accesses are encouraged to decide among themselves how they will share the expense of maintaining the private access according to the standards required by the Town of St. Joseph.
Signs identifying private accesses shall be erected by the owners of the properties being served by the private access, the designated agent of the owners or the developer of the subdivision containing said private access, with the cost of erecting posts and signs, including labor and materials, to be borne by said owners, agent or developer.
Roads within subdivisions, which are designated as future public roads, may be numbered or named at the time of preliminary approval of the subdivision plat.
At the time of acceptance of a private access as a public road, the Town Board may designate the road with a number or name if said road has not been so designated prior to such action.
Developers submitting site plans, certified survey maps or preliminary or final plats to the Town shall indicate the appropriate road number or name (if known) as a part of the site plan submission.
This chapter shall apply to all subdivisions and roadways built within the Town. The Town Board is authorized to rename or renumber existing roads.
Roadways shall be designated east-west or north-south according to the direction of the principal service route of the roadway.
Roadways which run east-west shall be numbered avenues, unless named by Town Board action.
Roadways which run north-south shall be numbered streets, unless named by Town Board action.
Primary numbers shall be designated by the St. Croix County Community Development Department and shall be available to each roadway frontage of each parcel of land, whether or not the parcel is occupied. New numbers will be available at an increment of 50 feet per side. Numbers will run west to east and from south to north beginning at the county line. Odd numbers will be available along the right side of the roadway; even numbers will be available along the left side of the roadway. (Left and right determined by facing from low- to high-numbered addresses.) All addresses will be numbered from the point of intersection where the driveway or curb cut intersects the road.
The primary number is assigned and required to be posted only if the parcel is occupied by a dwelling unit, structure or actively used.
Secondary numbers may be used when a number of units, structures and uses coexist on the same parcel of land. Examples of parcels requiring secondary numbers include apartment projects, condominium projects, manufactured home parks, recreational vehicle parks, etc., where the use of secondary numbers would clarify the location of an individual unit for public safety purposes.
Mobile home parks, recreational vehicle parks and similar uses shall be given letter designations for lots or sections, and number designations for individual sites within lots or sections.
The owner, occupant or person in charge of any dwelling unit, structure or use to which a number or numbers have been assigned shall cause the same to be posted.
The Town of St. Joseph, upon application for building permit, will cause to be ordered and installed one post and numbered sign in accordance with current guidelines.
The address number will be situated on property and shall be clearly visible from the roadway fronting or closest to the structure.
The owner, occupant or person responsible for address numbers of dwellings or structures located on a private access and located a distance from a public road shall pay for and post a duplicate number at the entrance of the private access and the entrance or driveway of the dwelling, structure or property in use.
The placement of the address number on a postal mailbox may additionally occur on both sides of the mailbox facing the direction of traffic flow so as to be visible from a distance by operators of approaching vehicles.
It shall be the responsibility of the owner, occupant or person in charge of the dwelling unit, structure or use to maintain the address number. The number shall be visible from the roadway unhindered by brush, snow, etc. Replacement signs may be ordered from the Town at the expense of the owner, occupant or person in charge of the dwelling unit.