[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Myersville 8-10-1999 (Section 404 of the 1999 Code of Ordinances); amended in its entirety 10-11-2005. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Penalties for infractions — See Ch. 20.
Any person, firm, or company, within the Town limits, who shall act, exhibit, play or perform any farce, play, show, interlude, circus, rodeo, or other theatrical or dramatic performance, exhibition or entertainment, or show, for gain or profit, either directly or indirectly, without a license first had and obtained from the Town Treasurer shall be punished as set forth in § 73-3. The license, when issued, shall express the specific purpose or object for which it is granted, and the period of time during which it is to continue.
The license fees for the purposes set forth in the preceding section shall be as follows:
Theatricals, each night's performance: $100.
Minstrels, each night's performance: $100.
Musicals, each night's performance: $100.
Stage shows, each night's performance: $100.
Circus or menagerie, per day: $100.
For all other public exhibitions or amusements other than mentioned, per day: $100.
Any person who willfully violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class G municipal infraction, and shall be subject to the fines as set forth in Chapter 20. Any and all court costs and/or costs of prosecution shall be paid by the violator upon conviction, in addition to the penalties provided for in this section.