[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Myersville as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Provision of public facilities — See Ch. 105.
Subdivision and land development — See Ch. 130.
Zoning — See Ch. 165.
[Adopted 8-10-1999 (Section 209 of the 1999 Code of Ordinances)]
All authorizations issued by the Town of Myersville will contain a certification by the Treasurer for the Town of Myersville that all charges due to said Town have been paid, prior to the consideration or approval of said authorization by the Mayor and Council or any municipal employee or body.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Building permits, use permits, licenses, requests or petitions before the Planning Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals, requests for water or sewer connections, or other like issuances upon which a municipal body of said Town is authorized to take action.
Includes all fees, taxes, rents, levies, assessments or other sums of any nature or description due to the Town of Myersville, as applied to the property in question.
That such charges have been paid prior to the consideration and/or approval by any municipal employee or body of any authorization, as applied to any specific real estate, use of property or service provided to such property.
Any individual such as the Town Clerk, Zoning Administrator or other person duly authorized to issue any authorization on behalf of the Town, or any municipal body such as the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals or other duly constituted administrative agency or body of the Town of Myersville.
Such charges as are due and owing to the Town of Myersville as of the last preceding levy or which have been billed to the property owner or user of the property and remain unpaid.