[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Victor 9-8-1997 by L.L. No. 5-1997.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This local law superseded former Chapter 165, Water, adopted 6-2-1969, as amended.
As used in this chapter, the words and phrases listed below shall be deemed to have the following meanings:
Any person making a request in writing for any service to be rendered or furnished by the Village.
The person legally or equitably responsible for payment of charges for water or other facilities and services furnished by the Village.
The person actually in possession or control of any premises or part thereof who is a consumer.
The person who has legal or equitable title to any premises.
An individual, firm, association or corporation.
A building owned or leased by one customer and occupied as a residence or a place of business.
Each unit of a multiple dwelling or building separated by a solid vertical partition wall, occupied by one family or one firm as a residence or place of business.
See "occupant."
No water from the Village water supply shall be turned on for service into any premises by any person but the Director of Public Works or some person authorized by him to perform this service.
An application to have water turned on shall be made in writing to the Village Clerk and shall contain an agreement by the applicant to abide by and accept all the provisions of the laws and regulations of the Village governing the use of the Village water supply by the applicant.
The plumber or any other person designated and employed by the owner of the premises will be considered the agent of said owner.
All appropriate fees as set by the Village Board must be paid upon application for service.
No water shall be turned on for service in premises in which the plumbing does not comply with the ordinance of the Village, provided that water may be turned on for construction work in unfinished buildings subject to the provisions of this chapter.
No connections with the water main shall be made without a permit being issued and twenty-four-hour notice having been given to the Director of Public Works. All such connections shall be made and all such work done by the Village of Victor from the street line to the main on all dedicated Village streets. Application for such connection must be made to the Village Clerk, and payment shall be made of a fee as may be prescribed by the Village Board of Trustees.
All connections from curb stop to the meter shall be done by the consumer at his own expense under the supervision of the Village, and all installations shall be subject to approval by the Village before water shall be turned on.
No water shall be resold or distributed by the recipient thereof from the Village supply to any other premises other than that for which application has been made and a meter installed, except in case of emergency.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
All service pipes from the street line to the premises served shall be installed by and at the cost of the owner of the property to be served on the application for the service. Service pipe shall be installed not less than four feet six inches below the surface of the ground. Such installation shall be subject to inspection by the Director of Public Works.
No service shall be installed unless it conforms to specifications drawn up by the Board of Trustees and approved thereby. A copy of such specifications shall be kept on file by the Village Clerk and shall be opened to inspection by any person interested.
All repairs for service pipes and plumbing systems of buildings shall be made by and at the expense of the owner of the premises served. The Village may, in case of emergency, repair any service pipes, and, if this is done, then the cost of such repair work shall be repaid to the Village by the owner of the premises served.
Excavation for installing service pipes or repairing the same shall be made in compliance with the laws or regulations relating to making excavations in the street, provided that it shall be unlawful to place any service pipe in the same excavation with or directly over any gas pipes, drain pipes or sewer pipes.
Shutoff boxes or service boxes shall be placed on every service pipe and shall be located between the curbline and the sidewalk line where this is practical. If the sidewalk line or curbline are nonexistent, the shutoff box is to be located at the right-of-way line. Such boxes shall be so located that they are easily accessible, free from rubbish and shall be protected from frost.
All premises using the Village water supply must be equipped with an adequate water meter furnished by the Village but paid for by the consumer, provided that such water service may be supplied by the Village at a flat rate of charge until such meter may be installed. Before any premises are occupied, a water meter shall be installed therein, as herein required, or application made for such water service at the flat rate of charge until the meter can be installed, or no water shall be furnished to such premises.
Meters shall be installed in a location that will be easy of access. All houses shall have outside meter readers.
A stopcock and waste cock shall be located at the meter.
[Amended 10-20-2003 by L.L. No. 2-2003]
The Director of Public Works, Village officers or employees of the Water Department, upon presentation of credentials, may enter any premises where water is supplied by the Village or where application is made for a permit to connect the water service.
The Director of Public Works, Village officers or employees of the Water Department, upon presentation of credentials, may enter any premises, with proper notice, where water is supplied by the Village to conduct a leak test between the curb box and the meter to determine water loss or leaks.
[Added 3-2-2020 by L.L. No. 4-2020]
In new construction or in making repairs or leakage tests, the Village reserves the right to shut off the water from any customer without notice for as long a period as may be necessary. The Village shall not be liable for any damage to any person, property or premises from shutting off the water for any purpose.
The Village shall not be liable for any damage or loss to property or persons from any change in pressure of water supplies, including negligence on the part of the Village.
All water furnished through service pipes shall be metered. No meters shall be set, removed or disturbed except by the Water Department. Meters shall be furnished and installed by the Village after payment of all appropriate fees. The Village shall specify the location of the meter. For services longer than 250 feet from the curb stop to the building, a meter pit is required and shall be located at the street right-of-way on private property in accordance with the Village Design and Construction Standards.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 65, Design and Construction Standards.
Any damage to the meter by the owner, his agent or tenant, including damage from allowing the meter to become frozen, shall be paid to the Village by the owner of the premises.
[Amended 1-19-2010 by L.L. No. 1-2010]
The space occupied by the meter and the meter box shall be kept free from rubbish and obstructions. The property owner or tenant shall provide access to the meter and meter box so that it may be read, examined, repaired or replaced by the Village Director of Public Works, or his designee, at such times as the Director determines are necessary or appropriate.
No abatement of the charges for water rent shall be allowed for vacant premises.
Editor's Note: Former § 165-25, Unpaid charges, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Only persons authorized by the Village shall operate hydrants.
No persons except authorized representatives of the Village shall operate water main valves.
Request to have service discontinued does not relieve the property owner of liability for all water charges.
All final readings need to be requested or authorized by the property owner. Readings shall be read on inside meter. After the final reading for the remainder of the billing period a minimum charge shall apply if less than 5,000 gallons is used.
Where protection is required.
Each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises having an auxiliary water supply shall be protected against backflow of the water from the premises into the public water system, unless the auxiliary water supply is approved as an additional source by the water purveyor and is satisfactory to the New York State Department of Health.
Each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises on which any substance is handled under pressure in such fashion as to permit entry into the water system shall be protected against backflow of the water from the premises into the public system. This shall include the handling of process waters and waters originating from the public water supply system which may have been subject to deterioration in sanitary or chemical quality.
Each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises on which a substance of unusually toxic concentration or danger to health is handled in liquid form, even though it is not under pressure, shall be protected against backflow of the water from the premises into the public system. Examples are plating factories using cyanide and hospitals. This is not intended to apply to normal household installations.
Backflow prevention devices shall be installed on the service connection to any premises that have internal cross-connections, unless such cross-connections are abated to the satisfaction of the water purveyor. It shall be the responsibility of the water user to provide and maintain these protective devices, and each one must be of a type acceptable to the New York State Department of Health.
Type of protection. The protective device required shall depend on the degree of hazard as tabulated below:
At the service connection to any premises where there is an auxiliary water supply handled in a separate piping system with no cross-connection, the public water supply shall be protected by an approved double-check valve assembly.
At the service connection to any premises on which there is an auxiliary water supply where cross-connections are known to exist or where it is unknown if cross-connections exist, the public water supply system shall be protected by an air-gap separation or an approved reduced-pressure-principle backflow prevention device.
At the service connection to any premises on which a substance that would be objectionable but not hazardous to health if introduced into the public water supply is handled so as to constitute a cross-connection, the public water supply shall be protected by an approved double-check valve assembly.
At the service connection to any premises on which a substance of unusual toxic concentration or danger to health is or may be handled but not under pressure, the public water supply shall be protected by an air-gap separation or an approved reduced-pressure-principle backflow prevention device. This device shall be located as close as practicable to the water meter, and all piping between the water meter and receiving tanks shall be entirely visible.
At the service connection to any premises on which any material dangerous to health or toxic substance in toxic concentration is or may be handled under pressure, the public water supply shall be protected by an air-gap separation. The air gap shall be located as close as practicable to the water meter, and all piping between the water meter and receiving tanks shall be entirely visible. If these conditions cannot reasonably be met, the public water supply shall be protected with an approved reduced-pressure-principle backflow prevention device, provided that the alternative is acceptable to the water purveyor.
At the service connection to any sewage treatment plant or sewage pumping station, the public water supply shall be protected by an air-gap separation. The air gap shall be located as close as practicable to the water meter, and all piping between the water meter and receiving tanks shall be entirely visible. If these conditions cannot be reasonably met, the public water supply shall be protected with an approved reduced-pressure-principle backflow prevention device.
Frequency of inspection of protective device.
It shall be the duty of the water user on any premises on account of which backflow protective devices are installed to have competent inspections made at least once a year or more often in these instances where successive inspections indicate repeated failure. These devices shall be repaired, overhauled or replaced at the expense of the water user whenever they are found to be defective. These tests shall be performed by a qualified backflow prevention device tester, and all test results shall be provided to the water purveyor within 72 hours after the test is made.
Records of such tests, repairs and overhaul shall also be kept by the water user and made available to the water purveyor and the New York State Department of Health upon request.
The Director of Public Works shall read or cause to be read every water meter used in the Village at such times as are necessary that the bills may be sent out at the proper time.
Consumers within Village limits. All property upon which any building has been or may hereafter be erected having a connection with any mains or pipes which may be hereafter constructed and used in connection with the Village water system shall pay rates per quarter as set forth from time to time by resolution by the Village Board.
Consumers outside Village limits. The above rates, plus an additional charge as set forth from time to time by resolution by the Village Board, shall be charged to customers outside the Village limits. These rates shall not apply to the sale of water by the Village to water districts.
Bills shall be sent out quarterly: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. A penalty charge of 10% will be added to all water and sewer bills unpaid after the first of the month succeeding the beginning of each quarter and an additional 1/2 of 1% for each month thereafter until the bill is paid or relevied on the Village taxes.
[Amended 1-5-1998 by L.L. No. 2-1998]
During the construction of any building and before any water is installed as herein provided, the contractor so constructing such building may be permitted to use the Village water supply by making application therefor and paying a minimum fee of $30 or as prescribed by the Board of Trustees.
The water supply may be shut off from any premises for which the water bill remains unpaid for a period of 30 days after the bill is due, and, when shut off, water shall not be turned on except upon the payment of the usual fee for turning on water.
Delinquent water rents, together with penalty, shall become a lien on the real property upon which or in connection with which the water is used. Such a lien is prior and superior to any other lien or claim except the lien of an existing tax. The Board of Trustees shall include such delinquent water rents and penalties computed to the first day of the month following the month in which the fiscal year commences in the annual tax levy and shall levy the same upon the real property in default in accordance with § 11-1118 of the Village Law.
Property subject to a lien for unpaid water rents may be sold for nonpayment of the same, and the proceeds of such sale shall be applied to pay such charge after deducting costs as in the case in the foreclosure of statutory liens. Such foreclosures may be brought in the name of the Village against any property on which water rent has remained unpaid for 90 days after it has become due.
[Added 8-18-2008 by L.L. No. 5-2008[1]]
Title. These rules and regulations shall be known as the "Water Conservation Program."
Applicability. These rules and regulations shall apply to all residences, businesses and commercial establishments lying within the Village of Victor.
Purpose. As a condition for a water supply permit, state legislation requires applicants to have a water conservation program. To meet this requirement, the Village of Victor has adopted the following procedures as a minimum to establish a water conservation program.
Definitions. As used in these rules and regulations, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The state code which mandates new or renovated buildings to have insulated hot-water piping and hot-water heaters.
Restrictions on use of water for landscaping and other outdoor uses.
A plan of activities to reduce the demand for water, improve the efficiency of its use and reduce loss and wasteful use of water.
Residential use restrictions.
Adherence to the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code shall be strictly enforced.
Outdoor water usage.
The Village Board hereby authorizes the Director of Public Works to (1) declare an emergency ban on outdoor water uses or (2) declare a restriction upon outdoor water use upon a determination that such a reduction is necessary in order to meet the water needs of the Village. Such a ban or restriction on outdoor water usage will be declared in accordance with the emergency communications procedures adopted by the Village.
In the event the Director of Public Works declares such a restriction, such restriction shall be as follows:
Properties with even-numbered addresses may only water on even calendar days between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 7:00 a.m., and again from 7:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m.
Properties with odd-numbered addresses may only water on odd calendar days between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 7:00 a.m., and again from 7:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m.
In no event shall any property be watered between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
The forgoing restrictions do not apply to properties serviced by private water sources, such as wells.
A first offense shall require a warning from the Victor Village Code Enforcement Office, which shall be in writing with a reference to this subsection.
A second violation of this subsection within 12 months shall be deemed a violation punishable by a fine not to exceed $100. Three or more offenses within 12 months shall be deemed a violation punishable by a fine not to exceed $250, and/or incarceration not exceeding 15 days.
It shall be no defense to this subsection that the home is equipped with an automatic sprinkler or irrigation system set by timer or other apparatus.
The Village Code Enforcement Officer is authorized to issue a permit for lawn watering during restricted times for new construction or new lawns.
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former § 165-37, Restricted use of water.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this chapter may be fined not less than $250 or be imprisoned for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both, for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. The Village may enforce compliance to this chapter by injunction.