There is hereby established in the City the
Committee on Standardization and Specification.
The Committee on Standardization and Specification
shall consist of the following seven officials or their duly designated
representatives, who shall serve without additional compensation:
the City Administrator, the Chief Financial Officer, Director of Public
Works, Corporation Counsel, President of the Board of Water Commissioners
and one other City official, to be appointed by the Mayor. The members
of the Committee shall elect a Chairman from among their own number,
who shall serve for one year. The Chairman of City Council or his
designee shall be an ex officio member.
The City Purchasing Agent shall enforce the
written specifications adopted by the Committee on Standardization
and Specification. He shall attend all meetings of the Committee in
an advisory capacity and shall have the authority to present his recommendations
on any proposed standardization or specification.
It shall be the duty of the Committee on Standardization
and Specification:
A. Classification. To classify all the goods and services
used by the various branches of the City government.
B. Standardization. To adopt as standards the minimum
number of qualities, sizes and varieties of goods and services consistent
with the successful operation of the City government.
C. Specifications. To prepare and adopt written specifications
of all such standard goods and services.
D. Meetings. To hold official meetings at least once
every two months.
E. To formulate policy standards and purchasing strategies
consistent with the Local Public Contracts Law to promote the efficient
and effective delivery of goods and services.
F. To provide guidance to the Purchasing Agent, Mayor
and City Council.
All specifications adopted by the Committee
on Standardization and Specification shall be definite and certain
and shall permit competition, provided that the provisions of this
section shall not apply to noncompetitive types and kinds of goods
and services.
The Committee on Standardization and Specification
shall have the authority to make use of the laboratory and engineering
facilities of the City and the technical staffs thereof in connection
with its work of preparing and adopting standards and written specifications.
The Committee on Standardization and Specification
shall consult with the department heads and other officials of the
using agencies to determine their precise requirements and shall endeavor
to prescribe those standards which meet the needs of the majority
of such agencies.