[Adopted 11-9-1998 by Ord. No. 18-1998; amended 8-21-2000 by Ord. No. 15-2000]
As used in this article, the following terms
shall be defined as follows:
City employees assigned or permitted by a department head
to operate a vehicle; City officials and department heads authorized
by the Mayor or the Boards of Police, Fire or Water Commissioners
to operate a vehicle; the Mayor.
All sedans, station wagons, sports utility vehicles, vans,
trucks and equipment owned or leased by the City of East Orange or
the Boards of Police, Fire or Water Commissioners for use by authorized
City employees to conduct the business of the City.
Municipal vehicles used by City officials, department heads
or employees to conduct City business.
Municipal vehicles obtained from a centralized group of vehicles
used by authorized City employees to conduct City business.
A vehicle shall be provided for the use of the
Mayor, equipped with the appropriate communications equipment.
All new and existing municipal vehicles shall
be plainly marked or lettered "City of East Orange, For Official Use,"
with the department or division also identified, which marking or
lettering shall be in letters at least one inch in height conspicuously
placed in a contrasting color on the vehicle. Labeling shall not apply
to the vehicle used or operated by the Mayor. The City Council shall
establish a budgetary line item to purchase the necessary decals for
labeling. All municipal vehicles shall be licensed as a municipal
government vehicle and shall display municipal government license
plates. Vehicles used by the Police and Fire Departments for undercover
investigative purposes shall be exempted from the requirements of
this section.
All official vehicles which are assigned to
City officials, department heads or employees (with the exception
of the Mayor, City Administrator and Chief of Staff) are to be made
available for use on City business by all other members of their department.
City officials and department heads assigned vehicles are allowed
to drive their assigned vehicles to and from their home only if they
reside in East Orange, unless granted an exemption by the Mayor.
This article shall apply to all municipal departments,
including the Fire Department, Police Department and Board of Water
[Adopted 12-14-1998 by Ord. No. 20-1998]
As used in this article, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
An employee or City official with authorization
to operate a City of East Orange vehicle;
Any other authorized occupant of a City of East
Orange vehicle; and
Any person that is entitled to recover damages because of bodily injury sustained by a person described in Subsection
A or
B above to which this coverage applies.
Includes a land motor vehicle or trailer of
any type:
To which no bodily injury liability bond or
policy applies at the time of the accident;
To which a bodily injury liability bond or policy
applies at the time of the accident in which the limits for bodily
injury liability must be less than the minimum limit for bodily injury
liability specified by the Financial Responsibility Law of the State
of New Jersey;
Which is a hit-and-run vehicle whose operator
or owner cannot be identified and which hits a City-owned vehicle,
which an insured person is occupying; and
To which a bodily injury liability bond or policy
applies at the time of the accident but the bonding or insuring company:
"Uninsured motor vehicle" does not include any
vehicle or equipment:
Owned by or furnished or available for the regular
use of the insured;
Owned or operated by a self-insurer under any
applicable motor vehicle law;
Owned by any governmental unit or agency;
Operated on rails or crawler treads;
Designed mainly for use off public roads while
not on public roads; and
While located for use as a residence or premises.
If there is other applicable similar insurance,
the City of East Orange will pay only the City's share of the loss.
The City's share is the proportion that the City's limit of liability
bears to the total of all applicable limits.