[Added 4-11-2005 by Ord. No. 1247-2005]
Purpose. Provisions for the HND District have been enacted to:
Allow for traditional neighborhood development as a form of city revitalization.
Provide an alternative in the form of neighborhood development of mixed uses as an overlay for the Residential Conservation (RC) District.
Promote the principles of neighborhood development for the largest undeveloped area of the City as a compact, mixed use, pedestrian-oriented place.
Description of the Hilltop Neighborhood Development (HND) District and conditions of eligibility:
The HND District shall coincide with and form an overlay of the Residential Conservation (RC) District of the City, as shown on the Overlay District Map, Exhibit A, dated January 11, 2005.[1]
Editor's Note: Said map is on file in City offices.
To be eligible for development in accordance with the HND Overlay District regulations, a tract of land located in the Residential Conservation District shall have a minimum tract size of 50 acres.
Permitted uses and structures. The following uses and structures may be permitted and shall not be subject to Article IX and Article XI:
Residential dwellings of all types, including: a) multiple family (apartments); b) multiplex (including any mix of multistory units, such as "back-to-back" townhouses, and townhouses over apartments, or apartments over townhouses); c) single-family attached (townhouse or row house, up to a maximum of eight units in any one building); d) single-family semidetached; and e) single-family detached.
Nonresidential uses permitted in the HND Overlay District may include by right any of the following uses, either separately or in combination with other uses:
Financial institution, including bank with drive-through. [Refer to § 224-60C(4).]
Garage, public, including deck parking.
Health/recreation spa.
Medical clinic.
Municipal use.
Restaurant, fast-food. [Refer to § 224-60C(2).]
Tavern, brewery pub.
Day-care center. [Refer to § 224-60B(1).]
Group quarters and group homes.
[Amended 2-23-2015 by Ord. No. 1444-2015]
Life-care facility. [Refer to § 224-60B(5).]
Offices, office center. [Refer to § 224-60C(8).]
Retail, including retail center. [Refer to § 224-60C(1).]
Retail service such as barber shop, beauty shop, hair salon, nail salon, drycleaner, laundromat, shoe repair shop, tailor, upholstery shop.
Convenience store, farmers market.
Appliance store, office supply store, bicycle shop (sales and rental), bookstore, camera shop/photography store, cell-phone store, clothing store, dry goods store, furniture store, grocery store, hardware store, jewelry store, music store, newsstand, pharmacy, record, CD or similar technology store, shoe store, stationery store, video store.
Dentist office, doctor office, optometrist office.
Travel agency.
Funeral home.
Library, museum.
Printing shop.
Pharmacy with drive-through.
Antique shop, art gallery, art supply store, florist, framing shop, gift shop.
Bakery, cafe, corner store, deli, pizzeria.
Bed-and-breakfast inn.
Copy center.
Mixed uses, or any combination thereof, shall also be permitted, especially in a vertical arrangement, such as a "live-work unit," and/or apartments over ground floor retail.
Density, coverage, setback and height requirements.
Residential density: The maximum density of the residential component of an HND development shall not exceed 12 dwelling units per acre.
Maximum nonresidential development: The total floor area of the nonresidential component of an HND development shall not exceed 200 feet, multiplied by the maximum number of dwelling units permitted, based upon the residential density limitation of Subsection D(1) above.
Building coverage: not to exceed 30% of gross tract area.
Tract coverage: not to exceed 75% of gross tract area.
Perimeter setback: No building shall be placed closer than 25 feet to any perimeter property lines, and no impervious coverage shall be placed closer than 10 feet to any perimeter property lines, except for access roads/drives.
Building height: A minimum principal building height of two stories, and a maximum principal building height of four stories or 50 feet, except in the Core Area, where the building height shall not exceed five stories or 65 feet.
Minimum open space: Within the twenty-five-percent minimum green area, not less than one-half thereof (12 1/2% of the tract area, including the perimeter buffer area) shall be set aside for buffers and active and/or passive recreational areas (including "pocket parks" within the development area).
Development standards.
Design approach: An HND development shall contain a minimum of two design areas, being a core area, in which a "Main Street" setting is established, and a perimeter residential area where nonresidential uses are generally avoided and residential density may be reduced. In addition, the design may set aside one or more areas for more concentrated multifamily housing.
Core area: Generally, the plan will concentrate mixed uses and nonresidential uses within the core area, to be served by on-street parking, scattered parking lots, and residential uses utilizing alleys as the primary means of access.
Perimeter residential area: Generally, the plan will provide primarily for residential uses (some with alley access as topographical conditions may justify, and some areas with frontage access) within the perimeter residential area.
Pedestrian access: The plan will provide for sidewalks on both sides of all streets within the core area. Sidewalks within the core area shall be a minimum of four feet six inches in width and, where provided within the perimeter residential zone, shall also be a minimum of four feet six inches in width. In addition, pathways within open space areas are encouraged.
Install and maintain street trees at an average interval of 50 feet along both sides of all streets; install and maintain internal landscaped courtyard areas where space permits; provide a mix of pocket parks within both the core area and the perimeter residential area.
Lighting: no trespass glare above 0.5 footcandles at the property line.
Utilities: place new utilities underground.
Staging/phasing: provide plan and development schedule.
Setback and build-to lines: Mixed-use and nonresidential use buildings may be located immediately adjacent to the sidewalk along its frontage; residential buildings shall be located a minimum of six feet back from the edge of the frontage sidewalk. In the core area, residential buildings shall have a maximum setback of 15 feet therefrom. Single-family attached, single-family semidetached and single-family detached dwellings are encouraged to have front porches at the build-to line.
Architectural design: Concurrently with the view of the applicant's land development plans, the applicant shall present suggested architectural design approaches for discussion, as part of the Manual of Design Guidelines as referenced in Subsection F(1)(i) below. Final decisions pertaining to architectural design shall remain within the purview of the applicant, after full consideration of suggestions from municipal review agencies, including the Planning Commission and City Council.
Parking: The applicant shall plan for adequate parking to serve the HND development. Generally, a combination of garage, driveway, scattered parking lot and on-street parking shall be calculated and considered as a whole for determination of adequacy. Unless the applicant can demonstrate the validity of reduction based upon shared parking arrangements (i.e., evening peak for restaurant uses versus daytime peak for retail uses), the following standards shall be met:
Individual dwelling units, with the exception of apartments: two spaces per unit.
Apartments: one space for one-bedroom units, and 1 1/2 spaces for two- or three-bedroom units.
Offices: two spaces per 1,000 square feet.
Retail: 2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet.
Restaurant: one space per three seats within the dining area (but not including any bar seating).
The design and use of streets and alleys shall adhere to the following standards:
Streets shall be designed to calm traffic speeds and pedestrian movement. Streets with no off-street parking shall be at least 18 feet wide; streets with parking on one side shall be at least 26 feet wide; streets with parking on both sides shall be at least 32 feet wide.
To the extent practical, particularly in the core area, alleys shall be provided to move vehicular access to the rear of the residences and principal nonresidential and mixed-use structures.
Where provided, one-way alleys shall be at least 12 feet in width and two-way alleys shall be at least 15 feet in width where no parking is permitted, or at least 20 feet in width where parallel parking is permitted on one side thereof.
Landscape and streetscape design. All lands not utilized to provide for permitted impervious cover shall be left in their natural state or landscaped with appropriate vegetation or other suitable landscape material. Streetscape, landscaping and pedestrian amenities shall be provided as reasonably related to the intensity of proposed development, particularly within the core area. The applicant shall consider inclusion, where appropriate, of the following amenities:
Public trash receptacles.
Public seating areas along sidewalks and at appropriate intervals and locations within pocket park areas.
Bike racks located in areas where the sidewalk can accommodate such features.
Planting inserts within sidewalk areas.
Traditional-appearing light standards, not to exceed 18 feet in height in the core area, nor 25 feet in height within the perimeter residential area.
Procedures for approval of development in the HND Overlay District.
The applicant shall follow the preliminary and final plan application requirements of the City of Coatesville Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and shall include the following information:
Building locations. The proposed building program shall indicate the proposed locations of principal and accessory uses, the approximate gross square footages of all uses, and the building heights. The total lot coverage, existing and proposed shall be indicated.
Street, alley, and streetscape. The proposed interconnected street and alley network, including all street widths, shall be depicted.
Pedestrian access. The proposed interconnected network for pedestrian access, including sidewalks and other pathways, shall be depicted.
Staging/phasing. The proposed staging or phasing of the land development shall be depicted.
Landscape/hardscape plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict all proposed landscape/hardscape.
Parking. The proposed surface and deck parking shall be depicted, including a list of the number of parking spaces proposed in relation to the proposed use(s).
The provisions of Article XIV, Signs (§ 224-73A as to residential uses and § 224-73C as to nonresidential uses) shall apply.
All proposed signage for all wall, window and freestanding signs shall be depicted, including any proposed banners, directional, and way-finding signs.
A promotional sign up to 64 square feet may be installed to identify a development or facility. However, such sign shall be considered as a temporary sign that shall be removed within 14 days of receipt of a certificate of occupancy.
Utilities. The locations of all proposed utilities shall be shown.
Manual of design guidelines. At the time of land development plan submission for each phase or stage of development, a manual of design guidelines shall be submitted to illustrate the proposed design excellence, architectural excellence, and related construction excellence for the proposed architectural, streetscape, and landscape features. (Applicants are encouraged to submit components of the design guidelines as interim work products and sketches prior to formal submission.) Said manual shall be consistent with the applicable General Design Principles set forth in Exhibit B of Article XVIII[2] and shall be submitted for approval by City Council, which approval shall not be unreasonably denied provided it complies with the applicable aforementioned general design principles.
Editor's Note: Exhibit B is included at the end of this chapter.
Declaration of covenants, easements and restrictions. A declaration shall be submitted to the City and shall be in such a form as deemed satisfactory to the City Solicitor.
The following provisions shall apply in the case of a development pursuant to this article which is proposed to be constructed over a period of years, in order to encourage the flexibility of housing density, intensity and type of nonresidential uses, as intended by this article:
Pursuant to the staging/phasing plan, each phase or section may vary from the density, intensity of use, and/or permitted uses established for the entire HND development.
A greater concentration of density or intensity of land use is permitted within separate phases or sections, irrespective of whether such phases are earlier or later in the development than others.
The developer, with approval of City Council, shall also have the right to revise the location of open spaces so that flexibility of development, which is a prime objective of this article, can be maintained.