[Added 4-11-2005 by Ord. No. 1247-2005; amended 5-13-2024 by Ord. No. 1586-2024]
Purpose. Provisions for the SMD Overlay District has been enacted to:
Implement the Tier I "Revitalization Plan 2002," dated August 23, 2002, and in particular the Revitalization Guidelines and Best Practices.
Implement the Tier II "Urban Center Revitalization Plan," dated December 23, 2002.
Foster redevelopment of the area adjoining the Traditional Neighborhood District (TND).
Promote the revitalization and redevelopment of the City as a compact, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented place.
Provide for the interpretive design of new structures and development and adaptive reuse of the existing remaining historic industrial buildings.
Description of the Steel Museum (SMD) District and conditions of eligibility.
The SMD Overlay District is the area which consists of the following lots identified by the Tax Map Parcel Number assigned thereto by the Board of Assessment of the County of Chester:
Tax Map Parcel No. 16-5-229;
Tax Map Parcel No. 16-5-231;
Tax Map Parcel No. 16-10-20; and
Tax Map Parcel No. 16-10-20.2.
The SMD District overlays the portion of the I-2 District in the area described in § 224-100B(1).
General design principles. The principles for SMD design and development shall be consistent with the Manual of Written and Graphic Design in the latest revitalization plan adopted by the City with particular emphasis on:
Adaptive reuse of an existing building.
Building height/width/proportion.
Building location.
Building placement (setback).
Building separation distances.
Building size.
Building types.
Buildings: vertical form.
Build-to line.
Curb cuts.
Deck parking structure.
First floor/ground floor use.
Infill development.
Mixed use.
Parking: off-street.
Parking: on-street.
Parking lots — private.
Parking lots — public.
Sidewalks, walkways, and pedestrian links.
Street and alley network.
Street trees/shade trees.
Street wall.
Permitted uses and structures.
Uses permitted by right. The following uses and structures are permitted by right within this district, subject to other applicable standards of this chapter. Proposals are limited to one principal use and any associated accessory uses and structures.
Light industry/business.
Light-industrial center [refer to § 224-60D(1)].
Mini warehouse/public warehouse [refer to § 224-60D(3)].
Office center [refer to § 224-60C(8)].
Commercial/trade school [refer to § 224-60B(2)].
Community utility [refer to § 224-60B(8)].
Mass transit terminal.
Government building/facility.
Any of the uses listed below in accordance with the provisions for adaptive reuse in § 224-61B:
Financial institution [refer to § 224-60C(4)].
Restaurant, fast-food [refer to § 224-60C(2)].
Auto service [refer to § 224-60C(5)].
Medical clinic.
Veterinary/animal hospital.
Indoor public recreation.
Health/recreation spa.
Public parking lot/garage.
Mixed uses, or any combination thereof, shall also be permitted, especially in a vertical arrangement, such as a live-work unit.
Uses within existing structures, includes those listed in Subsection D(1) and (2) above and also include:
Retail uses.
Convention center or assembly use.
Performing arts venue.
Other complementary, associated, or similar use.
Uses permitted by special exception. The following uses are permitted by special exception subject to supplemental use regulations of Article XII, Supplemental Use Regulations, if applicable, and approval in accordance with Article XV, Administration and Enforcement:
Radio, television, or microwave transmitter [refer to § 224-60B(9)].
Any of the uses listed in § 224-19C(1), except residential, if adaptive reuse is not feasible; or
Any combination of uses permitted by right or special exception in accordance with the provisions of § 224-62, Unified land development process.
Uses permitted by conditional use. The following uses are permitted by conditional use subject to the supplemental design standards of Article XII Supplemental Use Regulations, if so designated, and approval in accordance with § 224-79B(3):
Retail center [refer to § 224-60C(1)].
Industrial park [refer to § 224-60D(2)].
Office park [refer to § 224-60C(8)].
Radio, television or microwave transmitter [refer to § 224-60B(9)].
Transfer station [refer to § 224-60D(6)].
Solid waste incinerator [refer to § 224-60D(8)].
Solid waste landfill [refer to § 224-60D(7)].
Recycling center [refer to § 224-60D(4)].
Junkyard [refer to § 224-60D(5)].
Any combination of uses permitted by right, special exception or conditional use in accordance with the provisions of § 224-62, Unified land development process.
Accessory uses and structures. Accessory uses and structures are permitted in the SMD Overlay District in accordance with the provisions of § 224-59, Accessory uses and structures.
Uses within existing structures, includes those listed in Subsection D(1) and (2) above and also include:
Retail uses, only as an accessory use complementary to the primary use.
Convention center or assembly use.
Performing arts venue.
Other complementary, associated, or similar use such as museum cafe or cafeteria.
Lot area, width, coverage, yard, and height requirements.
Lot area:
2,000 square feet minimum for each nonresidential use.
For live/work units, the minimum lot areas shall be computed as a nonresidential use.
Lot width: 16 feet minimum.
Lot coverage: 98% maximum, where the remaining 2% of the lot shall be Installed and maintained as internal landscaped courtyard areas, roof gardens and/or green areas.
Yards: front, zero; side, zero; rear, zero feet minimum, provided the primary facades of buildings are located at the edge of the sidewalk facing a street or on a pedestrian promenade between the fronts of two buildings.
Building height:
Two stories or 20 feet, minimum.
Five stories or 75 feet, maximum.
Buildings shall have a setback of 10 horizontal feet for every 20 vertical feet of height over 35 feet.
Development standards. In addition to the standards in § 224-100C (and Exhibit B), the following shall apply:
The design of the project will incorporate sound design principles, although, through interpretive design, the layout may reflect the development pattern of the original industrial development.
Parking: build and maintain in rear of buildings, in deck parking structure, or in parking garage.
Pedestrian access: build and maintain sidewalks on both sides of all streets. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of four feet six inches in width.
Signage: as appropriate to identify development or facility, up to 64 square feet as a promotional sign. However, such sign shall be considered as a temporary sign that shall be removed within 14 days of receipt of a certificate of occupancy. These requirements are in addition to the requirements in Article XIV, Signs. If this section and Article XIV, Signs, conflict, then the more conservative requirement shall prevail.
Install and maintain street trees at an average interval of 40 feet along both sides of all streets where there are no existing street trees.
Install and maintain internal landscaped courtyard areas, roof gardens and/or green areas in accordance with the landscaping requirements in Chapter 197, Subdivision and Land Development.
Lighting: no trespass glare above 0.5 footcandles at the property line.
Utilities: place new utilities underground.
Procedures for approval of development in the SMD Overlay District.
All applicants are encouraged to submit sketch plans for all SMD proposals.
The applicant shall follow the preliminary and final plan application requirements of the City of Coatesville Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and shall include the following information:
Building plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict the proposed building program. Said plan shall indicate the proposed principal and accessory uses, the gross square footages of all uses, and the building heights. The building plan shall also indicate the total lot coverage, existing and proposed.
Street, alley, streetscape, and pedestrian plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict the proposed street network. Such plan shall indicate all street widths and pedestrian pathway network.
Staging/phasing plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict proposed staging or phasing of the land development.
Landscape/hardscape plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict all proposed landscape/hardscape.
Parking plan.
A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict proposed surface and deck parking. Such plan shall list the number of parking spaces proposed in relation to the proposed use(s).
On-street parking spaces may be counted toward the overall parking requirement whenever such parking is located along the frontage of the property that is proposed for development.
Off-street deck parking may be counted toward the overall parking requirement whenever such parking is located within 400 feet of the property proposed for development.
Signage plan.
The provisions of Article XIV, Signs, shall apply in addition to this section.
A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict all proposed signage for all wall, window, and freestanding signs.
Such plan shall also depict any proposed banners, directional, and way-finding signs.
Utilities plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict all proposed utilities.
A project design manual.
At the time of land development plan application for each phase or stage of development, a project design manual shall be composed by the applicant and submitted to the City for review.
The project design manual shall provide the City with a visual and tabular list of the proposed civil, architectural, streetscape, and landscape features of the subject land development project.
Said project design manual shall be consistent with Exhibit B of Article XVIII.
The project design manual shall be submitted for approval by City Council, which approval shall not be unreasonably denied provided it complies with Exhibit B of Article XVIII.
The project design manual shall be revised as civil, architectural, landscape architectural, and/or structural designs change throughout the land development review process. With each revision of the project design manual, a revised hardcopy and pdf copy shall be submitted to the City.
Declaration of covenants, easements, and restrictions. A declaration shall be submitted to the City and shall be in such a form as deemed satisfactory to the City Solicitor.