[Added 4-11-2005 by Ord. No. 1247-2005; amended 5-13-2024 by Ord. No. 1586-2024]
Purpose. It shall be the purpose of the Specially Planned District to provide for the orderly development of a major business and commerce area of the City of Coatesville, in accordance with the objectives, policies, and proposals of the Comprehensive Plan and other approved City redevelopment plans. Another purpose of this District is to redevelop the northern entrance to the City through the design and orderly arrangement of buildings, land uses, and parking areas. In addition, this District is intended to encourage a mix of uses, and additional employment opportunities.
Overlay District. The overlay district shall be as shown on the Zoning Overlay District Map, Exhibit A, dated/revised January 11, 2005.
Use regulations. A building may be erected, altered, or used and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following uses and no other:
Permitted uses and structures.
Office building.
Bank or other financial institution.
Hotel/motel and meeting room facilities when ancillary and subordinate to the hotel/motel.
Retail store.
Retail service.
Fitness center, health club.
Public or private parking lot.
Parking garage.
Recreation, river-oriented recreation, and open space.
Municipal use.
The following uses shall be permitted by conditional use:
Day-care center.
Helistops. Application can be made for a helistop, upon the approval of the City Council, subject to the provisions listed below. Said application shall include plans and data demonstrating compliance with the following provisions:
The proposed helistop will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of persons and properties neighboring the area of use.
The proposed helistop is licensed by the Bureau of Aviation of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Fencing which does not interfere with the landing of the helicopters shall be required by the City Council whenever necessary to restrict pedestrian access to the landing area.
No helistop shall be located closer than 100 feet from the property line of the parcel on which it is to be located or 200 feet from a residential district.
Any use of the same general character as any of the uses permitted in § 224-101C(1), Permitted uses and structures.
Height regulations.
All principal buildings shall be at least two stories in height, or a minimum of 20 feet in height.
The maximum principal building height shall be 50 feet in height. Any building height proposed to be taller than 50 feet shall seek conditional use relief from City Council. Furthermore, the City Council should consider the following when deciding on the conditional use:
When building taller than 50 feet, the upper floors shall have a setback of 10 feet.
The overall character and height of existing or proposed buildings on adjacent parcels.
Lot area, coverage, and setback regulations.
The minimum lot area shall be one acre.
The maximum building coverage shall be 35% of the gross lot area.
Principal buildings shall be set back at least 20 feet from a street right-of-way.
Development regulations. At least 5% of all parking areas shall be landscaped in accordance with a landscape plan to be approved by the City.
Parking regulations. The following regulations apply only to the SPD District.
Definitions. The following definitions shall apply only to the SPD District:
Loading space: an off-street space or berth, abutting upon a street or way or other appropriate means of access, intended for the temporary parking of a commercial vehicle while loading or unloading merchandise or materials, not to include the space reserved or used for trash storage and compaction, which space or berth is not less than 10 feet in width and sufficient in length to ensure that no motor vehicle using the space shall extend beyond a lot line, but in no case less than the minimum length of the size truck most likely to make deliveries and never less than 12 feet wide and 35 feet long.
Parking stall (90° parking):
Standard size: a space in a garage or parking area not less than nine feet wide clear dimension and 18 feet long clear dimension, reserved for the parking of only one motor vehicle.
Compact size: a space in a garage or parking area not less than eight feet wide clear dimension and 15 feet long clear dimension, reserved for the parking of only one compact-size motor vehicle.
Handicap size: a space in a garage or parking area not less than 13 feet wide and 18 feet long clear dimension, reserved exclusively for a motor vehicle registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with handicapped license plates or displaying an official commonwealth-issued handicapped placard or similar out-of-state placard/identification.
Drive aisle width: 24 feet.
Alternate dimensions:
Angle of Parking
Parking Space Size
Drive Aisle Width One-Way
9 by 21
9 by 19
Required off-street parking, Specially Planned District. At the time of the erection of any principal building or at the time any principal building is enlarged in capacity, the following minimum off-street motor vehicle parking spaces, including the required number of parking stalls, shall be provided.
Use in SPD
Number of Parking Stalls Required
1 for each hotel room designed primarily for the purpose of overnight accommodations; shared parking with other uses is permitted
Restaurant or assembly hall
1 for every 200 square feet of floor area
Retail business
1 for every 250 square feet or 1 for every 100 square feet of floor area for retail establishments that collectively occupy more than 30%, by area of the building in which they are situated
Bank, professional office, or business office
3 for every 1,000 square feet of floor area. In addition, where a drive-in facility and/or automated banking machine is to be included, 6 in-line motor vehicles waiting spaces for each bank teller or remote teller station or window; shared parking with other uses is permitted
Bus or railroad passenger terminal
1 for every 500 square feet of floor area
Personal service shops
1 for every 100 square feet of floor area
Meeting room facilities
1 for every 5 seats provided
Fitness center, health club
1 for every 100 square feet of floor area
Where two or more uses or separate establishments are located within the same structure, parking space shall be provided for use or separate establishment according to the above requirements.
In a parking garage or parking area with at least 25 spaces, designation, and use of a maximum of 35% of the parking stalls in a garage or parking area as compact size may be provided.
For the purpose of this section, "floor area" means the gross floor area of the structure excluding the gross floor area of parking garages and loading facilities.
The number of handicapped parking spaces required shall conform to the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards. The locations of the handicapped spaces shall be as close as possible to accessible building entrances.
Off-street loading. Every auditorium, convention, or exhibit hall, hotel, office building, restaurant, municipal or community facility shall provide loading spaces in accordance with the following table.
Square Feet of Aggregate Gross Floor Area Devoted to Such Use
Number of Loading Spaces Required
Up to and including 100,000
Over 100,000 up to and including 200,000
Over 200,000 up to and including 500,000
For each additional 200,000 or fraction thereof
1 additional
Parking/off-street loading exceptions.
Erection, alteration, enlargement, or use of a structure or portion thereof, with modifications without loading space as required in Subsection G(6), Off-street loading, may be permitted by special exception, provided that the applicant provides the Zoning Hearing Board with verifiable technical information, including truck delivery data and traffic counts substantiating that the volume of vehicular service will not require compliance with the space provisions of such section and that such volume will not cause undue interference with the use of streets or ways nor imperil general safety.
Under the procedure to obtain an occupancy permit and in accordance with the following provisions, use of the same parking stalls at different times in order to meet the parking requirements of two or more principal users may be authorized by special exception granted by the Zoning Hearing Board:
The applicant shall substantiate to the Zoning Hearing Board the degree to which the normal operations hours of the users served do not conflict;
A properly drawn legal instrument shall be executed by the parties concerned for such use of the garage or parking area, which instrument duly approved by the City Solicitor shall be filed with the application for occupancy permit.
Utilization of valet parking for required motor vehicle parking spaces, provided:
A motor vehicle shall be retrievable from its parking space with the movement of a maximum of two additional vehicles;
The Zoning Hearing Board, with the assistance of the Codes Department, certifies that the valet parking operation as submitted by the applicant will not cause interference with the public use of streets or ways or imperil public safety.
Continuation of facilities. Whenever an occupancy permit has been issued and the plans so approved contain motor vehicles parking and loading space provisions, the subsequent use of such property shall be conditional upon the continuance and availability of the parking and loading space provisions contained in such plans. Any other use of such property shall be a violation of this article. Should the owner or occupant of any structure as to which any occupancy permit has been issued containing motor vehicle parking or loading space requirements so change the use to which such structure is put as to increase motor vehicle parking or loading space requirements under this article, it shall be unlawful and a violation of this zoning ordinance to begin or maintain such altered use until such time as the increased motor vehicle parking or loading provisions of the article are complied with and an amended certificate of occupancy from the Zoning Officer has been issued.
Signs. The provisions of Article XIV, Signs (§ 224-73A as to residential uses and § 224-73C as to nonresidential uses), shall apply.
All identification signs shall have text and letter height large enough to be legible from the maximum distance required to safely guide the reader to the identified location or perform the function on the sign.
A promotional sign up to 64 square feet may be installed to identify a development or facility. However, such sign shall be considered as a temporary sign that shall be removed within 14 days of receipt of a certificate of occupancy.
Procedures for approval of development in the SPD Overlay District.
All applicants are encouraged to submit sketch plans for all SPD proposals.
The applicant shall follow the preliminary and final plan application requirements of the City of Coatesville Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and shall include the following information:
Building plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict the proposed building program. Said plan shall indicate the proposed principal and accessory uses, the gross square footages of all uses, and the building heights. The building plan shall also indicate the total lot coverage, existing and proposed.
Street and pedestrian plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict the proposed street network. Such plan shall indicate all street widths and pedestrian pathway network.
Staging/phasing plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict proposed staging or phasing of the land development.
Landscape/hardscape plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict all proposed landscape/hardscape.
Parking plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict proposed surface and deck parking. Such plan shall list the number of parking spaces proposed in relation to the proposed use(s).
Signage plan.
The provisions of Article XIV, Signs, shall apply.
A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict all proposed signage for all wall, window, and freestanding signs.
Such plan shall also depict any proposed banners, directional, and way-finding signs.
Utilities plan. A separate plan sheet shall be submitted to depict all proposed utilities.
Declaration of covenants, easements, and restrictions. A declaration shall be submitted to the City and shall in such a form as deemed satisfactory to the City Solicitor.