[Adopted 3-15-2005 by L.L. No. 6-2005]
This article shall be known as "The County Policy on Retirees' Health Benefits."
Pursuant to the County Charter, the Legislature of Rockland County is the "legislative, appropriating and policy-determining body" of the County. The determination to provide or not to provide benefits to County employees is a "policy" determination that is the jurisdiction of the Legislature to formulate and to fund.
The County Legislature has previously expressed its policy determination by resolutions as to the entitlement of County employees upon retirement to continue their health insurance coverage.
The Legislature, by Resolution 545 of 2003, opposed any unilateral curtailment, reduction or undermining of any benefits to the detriment of past or present Rockland County employees, by unauthorized unilateral diminishment of same by the County Director of Insurance and Risk Management.
[Amended 8-5-2020 by L.L. No. 4-2020]
The Legislature has proclaimed, pursuant to its policy determination authority, consistent with past practice, retirees who qualify for health benefits are to retain the level of benefit that they enjoyed pursuant to their collective bargaining agreements or the level afforded them as unrepresented appointees to County employment at the time of their termination of employment, and that they are entitled to same during their retirement.
The Legislature desires to codify its policy and set forth the manner that benefits of retirees are to continue.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The collective bargaining unit that the person was covered by at the time of leaving the employee of the County, or if an unrepresented employee, the level of benefits in a collective agreement that was followed, for the titled position that the employee held when the employee last worked for the County.
The health benefits provided to active employees of Rockland County that they had or will receive pursuant to their enrollment in the health benefits plan they participate in at the time of retirement.
A Rockland County employee who has retired in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.
One who has stopped working for the County and has begun to receive a pension other than social security.
All retirees from Rockland County employment, who have the required years of service to be eligible for retirement benefits, shall be eligible to receive the same level of health benefits consistent with past practice they received on the last day of their employment, which shall be continued upon retirement. The retirees shall be liable for their share, if any, of the benefits, as fixed in the applicable collective bargaining agreement or by law. Said benefits, if due the retiree once he/she enrolled in a family plan, shall also inure and continue to the benefit of the surviving spouse, dependent children or legally designated recipient's beneficiary under the plan.