It shall constitute a violation of this chapter for any subdivider to disobey, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter.
Any violation of this chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $10 and not more than $250, and each day after the first during which violation shall continue, after notification in writing that it shall cease, shall constitute a separate violation.
Any person knowingly and intentionally making any false statement relating to a material fact for the purpose of complying with the requirements of this chapter or who moves any required monuments shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished in accordance with the statutes of the State of Virginia existing at the time for misdemeanor violations.
All departments, officials and public employees of the City vested with the duty or authority to issue permits or licenses shall conform to the provisions of this chapter and shall issue no such permit or licenses for uses, structures or purposes where the same would be in conflict with the provisions of this chapter; any such permit or license, if issued in conflict with the provisions of this chapter, shall be null and void.
Any person aggrieved by any interpretation, administration or enforcement of this chapter may appeal to the Circuit Court of the county.
Any regulation or provision of this chapter may be amended from time to time by the City Council in accordance with §§ 15.1-431, 15.1-470 and 15.1-472 of the Code of Virginia.[1]
Editor's Note: See now Code of Virginia, §§ 15.2-2204, 15.2-2251 and 15.2-2253.
Any plat of record may be vacated in accordance with the provisions of the § 15.1-481 et seq. of the Code of Virginia.[1]
Editor's Note: See now Code of Virginia, § 15.2-2271.
[Amended by Ord. No. 96-7]
To compensate the City for costs incurred for administration, examining plats, making investigations, advertising, travel and other work incidental to the approval of plats, the fee, which shall be payable to the City for deposit in the general fund, shall be established annually by the City Council in its annual appropriations resolution or more often as deemed necessary by the City Council.
For health and engineering studies required under this chapter, a fee must be paid equal to the actual cost thereof incurred by the City or other governmental agencies. Such costs shall be estimated in advance by the health official and/or the highway engineer and a deposit shall be collected by the City equal thereto. Adjustment to the actual cost shall be made promptly upon final determination thereof.
This chapter shall be effective at and after 12:01 a.m., Friday, January 23, 1981.
This chapter shall apply to all subdivisions proposed after the effective date given in Subsection A of this section.
Except as provided for in Subsection D of this section, any subdivision proposal submitted to the Commission prior to the effective date of this chapter shall be governed by the ordinance in effect at the time of that submission.
After nine months from the adoption of this chapter, no final plat shall be approved unless it complies with this chapter.
A certified copy of this chapter and amendment thereto shall be filed with the agent and with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county.