No person shall use any vehicle under his control as a taxicab or allow any vehicle under his (or her) control to be used as a taxicab upon the streets of the City unless he (or she) shall have obtained a certificate in accordance with the provisions of this article.
Application for a certificate shall be made by the owner or proposed owner, in duplicate, and shall set out the following information:
Full name and home and business addresses of the applicant.
Vehicle identification number (VIN), kind, seating capacity, design and color scheme of each taxicab.
Copy of proof of insurance coverage.
Convictions or pleas of guilty, if any, for violation of any law on the part of the applicant.
Experience of the applicant in transportation of passengers for hire.
Reasons why the applicant believes public convenience and necessity requires the granting of the certificate applied for.
An application for a certificate shall be filed by the owner or proposed owner with the City Manager prior to applying for a business license for operation of a taxicab business. The City Manager shall promptly investigate the matters stated in the application.
The City Manager shall determine whether the public convenience and necessity require the operation of the taxicab for which application is filed. The City Manager may grant or refuse the certificate applied for or grant a certificate for a lesser number of vehicles than that specified in the application. Upon determination by the City Manager to grant a certificate, the approved application shall be filed with the Police Department.
The City Manager shall consider and act on the applications for certificates within 30 days after receipt of such applications.
The City Manager shall immediately notify in writing the applicant for a certificate of the action upon the application filed by such applicant.
The City Manager shall report to the Commissioner of the Revenue all certificates granted, together with the number of vehicles allotted.
The City Manager shall issue the certificate upon proof of payment of the business license tax.
When an approved application for a certificate is filed with the City Manager by the Taxicab Commission pursuant to § 370-17, the City Manager, upon the filing with him (or her) by the applicant of a receipt indicating the payment of the requisite business license tax and the filing of the insurance policy or bond required by § 370-4, shall issue to the applicant a certificate in accordance with the terms of the application as approved.
The certificates referred to in this article shall give the name of the owner, the VIN number, and kind and description of every vehicle covered thereby, together with the date of issuance and the date of expiration.
The certificates referred to in this article shall expire on March 31 annually, unless revoked or suspended as provided by this article.
The certificates provided for by this article shall not be transferable from one person to another.
No vehicle shall be substituted for any vehicle described in a certificate until the vehicle to be substituted has been investigated and approved by the Chief of Police and the fact of such substitution endorsed on the certificate by him (or her).
The City Manager may, for cause, cancel, revoke or suspend any certificate after notice to the holder of such certificate.