[Added 2-16-1978]
The purpose of this article is to facilitate the movement of traffic, to control and regulate parking and to promulgate rules for the towing of vehicles during emergency conditions.
An emergency shall exist:
Upon oral or written declaration of the City Manager, Mayor, Vice Mayor or any two members of City Council;
When there has been an accumulation of snow and ice of four inches or more for one hour or more; or
When snow removal equipment has left a deposit of snow of wheel hub depth against any motor vehicle parked on a public street, alley or way or in a public parking lot or area.
Any vehicle parked on a public street, alley or way or in a public parking lot or area during the existence of an emergency shall be illegally parked.
The owner or custodian of any vehicle illegally parked during any emergency shall be deemed to have given consent to removal of the vehicle in accordance with the provisions set forth in this article.
Vehicles otherwise legally parked, except for the existence of the emergency, shall not be subject to traffic citations under this article, except as otherwise provided in § 394-100. Vehicles illegally parked, notwithstanding the emergency, shall be subject to a traffic citation for such violation as set forth elsewhere in this chapter.
No vehicle may be moved under this article, except under the direction of the Police Department or a member thereof.
Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., the owner or custodian, if found, of any vehicle otherwise legally parked, except for the emergency, shall move the vehicle at the request of a member of the Police Department. Refusal of such owner or custodian to move such vehicle without valid cause shall subject the same to a traffic citation as though the vehicle was illegally parked, notwithstanding the emergency.
Vehicles illegally parked under this article may be moved, by towing or otherwise, to a nearby location on the same street or public parking lot to facilitate the removal of snow or alleviate the emergency. The police officer supervising the moving of any vehicle under this article shall record the identification of each vehicle moved, its approximate original location, the approximate location to which it was moved, and whether or not damage was incurred in such movement.
Vehicles illegally parked, notwithstanding the emergency, may be towed or moved as authorized in other sections of this chapter.