Final approval of a proposed plat will involve the successive approvals of a preliminary sketch, preliminary plat and final plat.
Before filing a preliminary plat for approval, the subdivider must submit to the Board six copies of a preliminary sketch not less than one week preceding the meeting of the Board. This preliminary sketch shall be drawn as specified in § 205-21.
The preliminary sketch shall be accompanied with a letter of intent, briefly describing the desired public utilities and improvements for the proposed plat. Letter of intent shall specifically discuss the feasibility of a stormwater management facility within the subdivision.
The Board shall, within 40 days of its submission, express its opinion, in writing, of the proposed plat with regard to the availability and feasibility of desired improvements.
Based on the Board's review of the preliminary sketch, the subdivider may proceed with submitting a preliminary plat and rezoning petition, if required.
After approval of the preliminary sketch and before submitting a final plat for approval, the subdivider shall submit six copies of a preliminary plat not less than one week preceding the meeting of the Board for preliminary sketch approval. These plats will be drawn as specified in § 205-22. The preliminary plat shall also be submitted by the subdivider or his or her agent to the State of Wisconsin Plat Review Section and be approved by such agency.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Following a review of the preliminary plat and after negotiation with the subdivider on changes deemed advisable, including the kind and extent of improvements to be made by him or her, the Board shall, within 90 days of its submission, express its approval or disapproval, in writing, to the subdivider. The Board shall state the conditions of such approval, if any, and if disapproved shall state its reasons for rejection.
Approval of the preliminary plat with the proper zoning shall entitle the subdivider to final approval of the layout shown by such plat if the final plat is submitted within 12 months of the date of approval of the preliminary plat and conforms to such layout and conditions of the approved preliminary plat. The plat shall have been certified as nonobjectionable by all local and state agencies having the authority to object.
Submission of plat. After approval of the preliminary plat, six copies of the final plat meeting the requirements of this section shall be submitted to the Board within 12 months of the approval of the preliminary plat. The final plat shall also be submitted by the subdivider or his or her agent to the State of Wisconsin Plat Review Section for final approval.
Engineering plans. Engineering plans as listed below shall be approved by the village and other local and state agencies prior to the Board approving the final plat:
Public improvement plans, which include design of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main and streets.
Drainage and grading plan prepared in accordance with Article X.
Erosion control plans prepared in accordance with Chapter 92, Erosion Control.
Phasing plan. Subsection A, which requires final plats to be filed within 12 months of preliminary plat approval, may be waived by the Village Board, provided that:
A phasing schedule is set forth by the subdivider and approved by the Village Board.
The subdivider complies with the approved phasing schedule.
The final plat of each phase complies substantially with the approved preliminary plat as provided in W.S.A. s. 236.11(b).
Subdivider's Agreement. The subdivider shall execute the Subdivider's Agreement contained in Article IX prior to final plat approval. Furthermore, an irrevocable letter of credit, cash escrow or village acceptance of public improvements shall be provided prior to final plat approval of that phase of development.
Approval or rejection of plat. Upon receipt thereof, the Board shall examine the final plat and all necessary certificates to determine its conformance with the preliminary plat and the requirements established in this chapter. Approval of the final plat shall not be granted until the plat has been certified as nonobjectionable by all state and local agencies having the authority to object. The final plat may be conditionally approved, but not signed until certification by other agencies are obtained. The Board shall take action on the final plat within 60 days after the plat has been submitted to the Board. If disapproved or conditionally approved, the reasons or conditions shall be stated on the record of the Board and forwarded, in writing, to the subdivider.
Recorded. The final plat of the subdivision shall be recorded by the subdivider in the office of the Register of Deeds of Brown County, Wisconsin, as required by W.S.A. s. 236.25. Four copies of the recorded final plat shall be forwarded to the Board for distribution.
Dedication. When a final plat of subdivision has been approved by the Board and state, federal and all other required approvals are obtained and the plat is recorded, that approval shall constitute acceptance for the purpose designated on the plat of all lands shown on the plat as dedicated to the public, including street dedications.
Selling lots. No lot shall be sold or ownership changed prior to the recording of the final plat for that phase.
Building permits. No building permit shall be issued by the village until all public improvements, except asphalt street surfaces, have been installed and accepted by the village for that phase.