All trucks transporting any material that contains material 3/32 inch and smaller shall be covered by canvas, tarpaulin, etc. This cover shall be large enough so as to extend as least four inches past the front, side and rear end of box when loaded.
No vehicle shall drip any liquid on any Township streets, "liquid" meaning oil, water, paint, gasoline or insecticides.
[Added 2-17-2003 by Ord. No. 768]
It shall be unlawful for any person, individual, business, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, or other entity to deposit or place any building material, containers or any other objects, upon the cartway or travel portion of any highway, road, street, or alley maintained by the Township of Penn, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or the County of Westmoreland.
[Added 2-17-2003 by Ord. No. 768]
In the event there is insufficient area upon the property abutting said highway, road, street, or alley maintained by the Township of Penn, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or the County of Westmoreland, on which to deposit any of the materials prohibited by § 180-42, an exemption may be granted by the Township of Penn subject to the hereinafter set forth conditions:
An application shall be filed for a permit with the Code Enforcement Office of the Township of Penn and a permit fee in the amount of $100 shall be paid.
The application for permit shall be reviewed and approved by the Chief of Police of the Township of Penn.
The area shall be secured by flashing warning lights as hereinafter set forth:
Design of warning lights:
Warning lights are portable, lens-directed, enclosed lights that may have a flashing or a steady-burn mode.
Color of the light emitted shall be yellow.
Warning lights shall have a minimum mounting height of 36 inches to the bottom of the lens, except as otherwise provided herein.
Warning lights shall be of the type approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and listed in Publication 35 and its subsequent amendments thereto, which are incorporated herein by reference.
Types of warning lights are as follows:
Type A lights are low-intensity flashing warning lights that are only effective during hours of darkness due to their low intensity. The lens of this type of light may be one-way or two-way as required by the direction of traffic they are meant to serve.
Type B lights are high-intensity flashing warning lights that are effective during daylight hours as well as darkness. The lens of this type of light is one-way only.
Application of warning lights. Application of flashing warning lights, Types A and B:
Flashing warning lights may be used to call drivers' attention to signs, obstructions, or potential hazards. Therefore, they may be mounted on signs, barricades, drums, vertical panels, barriers, or other supports.
Flashing warning lights may be used to mark obstructions or potential hazards. They are not permitted to be used for delineation since a series of flashers would tend to obscure the desired vehicle path. Flashing warning lights are not permitted to be used in series unless the spacing between successive flashes is at least 250 feet.
Two-way Type A lights are not permitted to be used when they would be visible and confusing to drivers in other directions of travel.
[Amended 2-17-2003 by Ord. No. 768]
Unless another penalty is expressly provided by the Vehicle Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (75 P.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.), or except as herein specified, every person, individual, business, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, or other entity convicted of a violation of the provisions of this chapter, or any supplement thereto, shall be liable to pay a penalty of not less than $50 or more than $500, plus costs.