[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Middlesex 7-3-1940 by Ord. No. 121. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Carnivals — See Ch. 150.
Festivals — See Ch. 200.
Public speeches and rallies — See § 301-5D.
From and after the passage of this chapter, no public meetings, assemblies, dances, picnics or parades shall take place or be conducted in the Borough of Middlesex until a permit shall be obtained from the Chief of Police of the Borough of Middlesex.
Any person, persons, corporation or organization desirous of conducting a public meeting, assembly, dance, picnic or parade may apply to the Chief of Police four days in advance of the proposed public meeting, assembly, dance, picnic or parade, designating the proposed date, time and place. In applying for a permit to hold a parade, the applicant shall specify the route thereof. If there shall be no prior application for a public meeting, assembly, dance, picnic or parade at said time and place, the Chief of Police shall forthwith issue a permit granting said application. In the event that there shall be a prior application for a parade for said time and place, the Chief of Police shall indicate another available route and shall forthwith grant a permit therefor. There shall be no charge made and/or paid for the issuance of a permit under this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 301, Parks and Recreation Areas, § 301-5D.
Prior to the issuance of a permit by the Chief of Police under the provisions of this chapter, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to determine whether or not in his judgment in relation to the comfort, convenience and safety generally, the presence of one or more special police officers of the Borough of Middlesex should be required at said public meeting, assembly, dance, picnic or parade. If the presence of one or more special police officers of the Borough of Middlesex is deemed necessary and advisable in the judgment of the Chief of Police, then in that event the issuance of the permit shall be conditional upon the agreement by the applicant to have in attendance at said public meeting, assembly, dance, picnic or parade such special police officer and/or officers as shall be deemed advisable and necessary in the judgment of the Chief of Police, provided further that said applicant shall agree to pay for such special police officer and/or officers at the rate and/or rates of pay heretofore or hereafter established by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Middlesex for special police officers.
Upon the denial of a permit by the Chief of Police because of the failure of the applicant to agree to the attendance at such public meeting, assembly, dance, picnic or parade of such special police officer and/or officers as are deemed advisable and necessary by the Chief of Police, or because of the refusal of the applicant to pay for such special police officer and/or officers at the rates of pay hereinbefore specified, then in that event the applicant may appeal to the Council of the Borough of Middlesex from the denial of the permit by the Chief of Police, within two days thereafter by filing his said application with the Borough Clerk, who shall thereupon promptly convoke a meeting of the Council for the purpose of acting thereon. Upon such appeal, the said Council may reverse, affirm or modify in any regard the determination of the Chief of Police by a vote of a majority of those present at said meeting. To carry out the judgment of the Council upon appeal, the Chief of Police is directed to issue a permit in conformity with the judgment of the Council.
Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the penalty of a fine not to exceed $200 or not more than 30 days imprisonment in the county jail, or both, upon conviction thereof.
This chapter is not to apply to regular scheduled meetings of local civic organizations.